Chapter 30 - Part B

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I text Hardin as soon as I stop outside my house, quickly shoving my phone in my pocket and helping Jackson empty out the car.

"This place is nice, and the peace, oh you have no idea how nice it is on my ears." Jackson dramatically exhales.

I just chuckle and fill my arms with as much boxes as I can manage.

"Come on, Adrian will be here soon." I tell Jackson, wanting to get everything inside and put away so that I can sort the stables out before Adrian arrives.

"Fancy watching gogglebox later?" Jackson asks me, and I nod my head. It's probably the only show that I'm willing to watch without pulling my face.

We spend the next hour hauling everything into the house and upstairs. Jackson helps me put everything into my closet and then I take him to the room at the end of the hall.

"I'm going to sort the stables, are you good here?" I ask him, placing the final box on the unmade brand new bed.

I'd decorated all three guest rooms, which I'm now thankful for doing.

"Yeah, thanks." Jackson sings, already opening the boxes and unpacking.

So I head off back downstairs and put my shoes on, rushing across the field and into the stables. I make sure the heater is on, to get rid of the chill of cold in the air. Then I toss down a little extra bedding, fill up the water buckets and hay nets, and then I begin hiding guns in places that I can read without making any noise.

Luther told me to be a little cautious, and naturally I feel the need to ensure that I'm safe no matter where I run. The stables isn't the only place I hide my weapons, I use the flower beds along the edges of the huge field, I use my cars, my porch way, everywhere that can be accessed, I hide either a gun or a knife.

Just as I'm duct taping the final holder to the underside of my Bugatti, I head the sound of a truck. So I act like I dropped my phone, and fish it off the grass before standing up.

"How was the drive?" I ask with a friendly smile as I walk towards the horse box, Adrian gets out of the truck to help me.

"As smooth as ever, bet you're glad to get off that job early, huh?" Adrian asks, unlocking the door.

"You have no idea." I sigh, stepping aside as he pulls the door open.

"I've been liberty working him everyday, yesterday we finally managed to do it without any lead guiding him. He follows direction really well, I recommend getting in a few sessions every week to keep him stress free." Adrian says as he unloads Apollo.

"I will, thank you so much. Do you want payment by cheque or transfer?" I ask him as I beam at Apollo, grinning at his happy snickers and nibbles as he greets me.

"Cheque is fine." Adrian nods, unlocking the inside door and releasing Aurora.

"I'll be just a minute." I smile, patting Apollo affectionately before quickly heading back into the house and grabbing my chequebook from the kitchen.

I fill it out in a matter of seconds, yanking the small paper from the book and heading outside. Apollo canters across the field happily, Aurora a couple metres behind as they enjoy the freedom of being home.

It's truly beautiful.

"This is more than we agreed-"

"I know, but you've gone above and beyond to help me out and I appreciate it." I tell him, holding up my hands as he tries to give it me back.

"It's too much, I can't accept this." Adrian shakes his head, but I just back away.

"Yes you can, and if you don't cash it I'll just buy something equivalent to it for you." I state, giving him a look.

"Are you sure? This is really generous, I don't know what to say...thank you." Adrian blows out a breath, shaking his head a little as he glances down at the number on the paper.

"It's the least I can do." I assure.

"Well, I appreciate it, really but I should get going before dark, I'll see you soon." Adrian nods.

"Ok, drive safe." I tell him, waving a little before heading off down the field to properly welcome Apollo and Aurora home.

Maybe I should invite Kade, Lisa and Cami for the weekend? They didn't really get to enjoy their last visit, considering I basically kicked them out.

Jackson comes down a while later, pausing in the doorway as he watches me literally hose my entire body down. I was doing Liberty work with Apollo, he chased me and knocked into me a little...I fell into a pile of fresh horse shit.

"You look like a porn star." Jackson randomly comments, so blunt that it takes a moment for me realise what he just said.

"You're gross!" I scowl, turning the hose on him.

Jackson squeals and runs back into the safety of the house, leaving me to get rid of all the faeces in peace. Then I head upstairs to shower, and throw my clothes away.

"Do you fancy Indian!?" Jackson calls through the house.

"I can't believe you just asked me that!" I shout back, shaking my head in disapproval. The boy has known me long enough to know what I like.

Just like I know he's a complete salad dodger, even on cheeseburger Jackson will pick it apart and leave only the cheese, burger and bread. He loves meat, and while he will occasional eat seasoned vegetables, he's not a fan and definitely doesn't make it a habit.

Hardin will almost anything, but he draws a line when it comes to sea food. Personally for me, I'll eat anything available and I know the reason for me not being picky is because of how little I got to eat growing up.

"Do you want some of those triangle spicy things!?" He calls.

I roll my eyes, deciding to just respond instead of picking on his vocabulary.

"Yeah! And cheesy garlic bread!" I call down the steps to him, currently half way through braiding my hair.

Despite all the thinking I've been doing these past four and a half months about coming home, it really doesn't feel as great as what I thought it would. I'm happy to be off pack land, I am, but now that I've spent time with Hardin I just feel...alone.

Look at yourself, Kali. Throwing a mini pity party because you got what you wanted, suck it up buttercup. I scold myself mentally, knowing I had the option to stay.

We spend the rest of the night eating takeout and watching gogglebox, because who doesn't love it? The sassiness and reactions, the drama, it's just everything.

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