Chapter 53 - Part B

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I couldn't lie and tell her he's no longer aggressive, she's waiting downstairs and sees Lucifer following me through the house.

She gasps in disbelief. "He doesn't look like the same dog."

"Hardin tells me you're here to take him. You never mentioned taking him back, not once." I glare at her, not in the mood for chit chat.

"There's a couple up south more than willing to take him, I've already signed the papers. I didn't think it was a big deal, you were only supposed to be helping him." Sarah says with a frown, like she's confused.

I could feel my anger rising.

"Signed the papers? Like I did when you put him in my care?" I question darkly.

Her eyes show her guilt, and I know that no one is willing to take Lucifer, not legally.

"How much are they paying?" I grit my teeth, wanting so badly to punch to stupid bitch.

"Paying? Nothing, he is a rescue-"

"He is a liability and you fucking know it!" I cut her off with a menacing tone.

"How much are they paying you? How much is this dogs life worth to you? I want to know." I angrily state.

Sarah couldn't deny it, she knows that I know.

"He's trained now, he'll have a good life." Is her response.

"How much?" I spit, barely resisting the urge to crab her scrawny neck.

"Two hundred! It's not a big deal, he'll be fine-"

"He'll have a good life? You think they're buying a well known aggressive dog raised in the fighting pit, now trained to bite on command because they want to give him a good fucking life!?" My cheeks burst crimson with rage.

How docile can this bitch be?

"You want money for him? I'll give you it. Because I've been here everyday fucking day for almost four months, in the cold, the rain, the boiling heat, in the dark, seven days a week! I trained him, I gained his trust, I gave him a second chance. Not you, not them, ME. He is MINE." I snap menacingly, my fists clenching.

My breathing is heavy as I finish ranting. Sarah looks at me gobsmacked, having no words to say. She's willing to sell him for so little, his life worth nothing, all his effort and progress meaning absolutely fuck all.

All so she can line her pockets with easy money.

"You want him?" I get in her face, glaring her down.

"Go ahead and take him." I sneer, stepping aside and leaving her to face Lucifer without any help.

She assumes he's tame, assumes he's trusting. And I say nothing, I do nothing, not when he growls at her in warning, not when he bares his canines, not when her scream almost shatters my windows.

"Touch." I say calmly, glaring at Sarah as she cries in agony. The dog instantly releases her and comes barrelling towards me, his nose touching my palm.

I reward with a treat, always keeping a few in my pocket.

"He's a guard dog, Sarah, you ignored the warning sign on the gate and you came into my home without permission. I wonder how the rescue centre will react when I tell them that you've been selling rehabilitated dogs to the highest bidder?" I question with a sadistic grin.

It felt good, putting someone in their place.

"You want it so bad? Keep it." Sarah's eyes stream with tears as she cradles her arm, shaking as she passes Lucifer.

"I will, happily." I spit, shoving her out of my front door and slamming it in her face.

Everything is silent for all of three seconds, Hardin's eyes are dark with hunger as he stares at me. I know that look, he enjoys watching me stand my ground, I haven't done it in so long.

"Upstairs?" I whisper, my heart racing.

"Upstairs." Hardin confirms with a low growl, grabbing me a slinging me over his shoulder fireman style.

I squeal slightly in surprise.

"Lucifer, stay." I tell the dog that watches us, not wanting him to come after me thinking I'm being kidnapped.

"Does this mean you're going to touch me?" I tease with a chuckle as he slings me on my bed.

No, I still haven't let him touch me just so we're clear. I wasn't going to make it easy for him. Although I am liking his attitude right now.

"Damn fucking straight." His tone is menacingly, and I live for it.

Laughing as he grabs my leg and yanks me down the bed, close enough for him to remove my shorts without any issues. He pushes my vest up my stomach, exposing the scarred soft flesh. His stubble tickles me, and I end up laughing as I try pushing his head off me. Hardin just chuckles and finishes removing my top, hands roaming south while his mouth teasing me through my lace bra.

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