Chapter 16 - Part A

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Two weeks pass by, and the wound is healing without any issues which is great. The thing that worries me is the slight tension between Jackson and I, he wants me to work things out with Hardin.

As wolves our mates are sacred, and even though I removed Hardins bite, and I no longer have a wolf, that kind of love doesn't just disappear. I was able to somewhat ignore those feelings, but his determination to be back in my life is making that very difficult.

"Looking for Jackson?" Luciens voice catches my attention just as I'm about to walk back out of the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah. Have you seen him?" I ask, a small curious frown on my face as I stare at the Elder.

He exhales almost with regret, sitting back in his chair.

"He left before sunrise." Lucien admits.

My heart drops instantly. "What are you talking about?" Jacksons gone?

Today is my birthday...Looks like I'll be spending it alone. I thought miserably, disappointed that Jackson isn't here.

"Visiting his parents, it was a last minute decision. He said call him when you have time." Lucien gives a small shrug, not fazed by comings or goings.

"Somethings bothering you, is it Hardin?" Lucien asks me before I can even say a word.

I stare at him with slight surprise. "Hardin? No. Why? Has he said something?"

Shit, definitely sound a little more defensive than you should be.

Lucien smirks slightly. "No, but he will be at the graduation ceremony in three days."

"I actually need to talk to you about that...I can't be there." I tell him, feeling a little guilty.

"Because of Hardin?" He presumes.

"No, because I...I put in a offer on a house and I'm heading out first thing tomorrow to finalise everything." I admit quietly, partially nervous and a perhaps a little guilty.

Why do I feel like I'm abandoning everyone again?

"That's why you want to talk to Jackson." Lucien sighs, nodding his head in understanding.

I just nod slightly, joining Lucien at the table.

"Have you thought this through?" Lucien asks me softly.

I just chuckle, and Lucien smiles slightly knowing it was a stupid question to ask, I never make a decision without thinking it through. Sometimes it's not always the best habit to have, but without a wolf I have to be extremely careful.

"I had it all planned, once I knew Hardin was mated to someone else I was going to buy my own house and I wouldn't have to think about him randomly turning up on my doorstep." I sigh, crossing my ankles.

"But now, he knows why I was so calm about the wedding thing, and even though he may turn up on my doorstep...I'm done hiding behind you, and Luka and Luther...I want to have a home." I admit, extremely grateful for everything the Elders have done for me, but needing to get out.

Lucien nods. "I get it, and I'm glad that you finally feel ready to move on. I cannot say I won't miss you though."

I felt a small smile crawl up my face, relieved that he isn't upset. It makes me feel so much lighter, knowing he's happy for me.

"I'll only be a phone call away." I say with a grin.

"Do you need help packing? I can hire someone to take care of Apollo-"

"Thank you, but I have everything covered." I say happily.

"We could have given you a leaving party." Lucien says with a small sigh, a little disappointed.

"I don't want to make deal out of this, parties aren't really my thing. Plus, I'll be back before you know it. I'm still working so you'll see so much of me that it'll be as if I never left." I state with a shrug.

Lucien chuckles. "That's true. We could still have a special dinner tonight?" He offers.

"I still have a lot to pack up, but I'll be available for early breakfast?" I offer with a hopeful smile, knowing he'll have the chef make all the best stuff.

Nothing like leaving on a belly full of your favourite food.

"Alright." Lucien chuckles, nodding in agreement. "Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thank you." I happily sing, standing up and giving him a quick hug before heading off to call Jackson.

While I don't want to interrupt his time with his family, I want to make him aware that when he comes back I won't be here. However, I am more than willing to offer up one of the three bedrooms in my new home.


I finish packing the final box, taping it shut and labelling it. Considering all my belongings fit into one large bedroom, there's almost twenty boxes. Not just clothes, but everything I own. I suppose it's a good thing, I've finally had time to go through everything and fill four large boxes for charity.

While I am worried about how different it's going to be living alone, Jackson will be visiting, and I have Apollo. Sam won't be able to continue with Apollo considering all her other clients and how far away I'm moving, but she's given me the details to another trainer.

I'm all set to go.

And I couldn't stop thinking about Hardin.

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