Chapter 50 Part A

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"Honestly, it's early days and we'd rather not make a fuss about it." I tell Kade with a small smile.

He gives me a reassuring smile. "I'm just happy that you've both worked things out, it's nice to see you happy."

Instead of saying something back, I just smile and give him a two second side hug. Thankfully Winter comes over at that second, saving me from feeling any more guilty than I do.

"You must be the protector I've heard so much about." Kade greets politely, offering Winter his hand which takes even me by surprise.

Not many Alphas are willing to shake hands with a rogue, even if they have a excellent reputation as pack protector.

Winter just completely ignores the gesture, and in a way I understand why, but I also feel somewhat bad for my father. Because he has changed, and It's hard to accept that after everything he's done, but it's harder for him when people react like this at his attempts to be civil.

"I should check on the dog." I say awkwardly, not knowing how else to get away from Winters rudeness.

"Yeah, I should check on Lisa, Cami can be a handful." Kade nods, flashing a slight smile before wondering off.

I head off through the house, exiting the noise as I turn to the large mutt sitting and waiting for me.

"Sarah says you can stay, so that means we can start to work on your anger problems properly." I tell the dog quietly, sitting down in front of him and grabbing the bowl of biscuits from the side.

I keep them out of his reach.

Everyday I've been using the training dummy, two and three times per day with hundreds of biscuits. For the last two days he hasn't snapped at it, or even growled. He's taken the food without complaint.

So today I set the training dummy aside, and I grab a couple of biscuits with my bare hand. I have to admit that I feel myself sweat a little, but I trust the process.

So like a fool I reach out with my palm open, a couple of biscuits on offer. He didn't even glance at the biscuits, the moment I'm within reach, he lunges.

Huge mouth enveloping my left forearm, I felt his canines practically crunch through the bone.

My small scream of shock is loud, and out of nowhere a familiar body dives between me and the dog, gripping its snout and forcing it to release me.

"Don't hurt him!" I immediately cradle my arm that gushes with blood, hating that the dog whines and whimpers as Hardin grips it.

His eyes searing red, beast snarling viciously within. I know he wants to tear the dog in half.

"Hardin!" I snap, not daring to get closer in case the dog latches onto me again.

"It's my fault! Don't you dare hurt that dog!" I warn him, turning away from the glass as Cami comes forwards to see what the noise is about.

Shrugging off my jacket, I wrap it around my arm tightly, hoping to stop the blood from flowing so quickly.

Hardin releases the dog begrudgingly, a look of loathing in his eyes. The dog shakes it off, practically unfazed by Hardin's dominance. That's exactly why wolves don't like these dogs.

"Hospital, the wounds are too deep." I tell him, already heading towards the car.

Hardin grabs the keys and off we go, leaving everyone at my house wondering what the fuck just happened.

"I knew that thing was bad news." Hardin growls, practically tipping the car as he turns a sharp corner. His grip on the wheel white, cheeks and neck red with anger.

What's gotten into him?

"You want to worry more about what'll happen to me if this car tips." I retort sharply.

Hearing my words, Hardin blinks and checks his speed, immediately slowing down.

"I pushed him too soon and that's on me, I knew what I was getting myself into. I'm not sending him back, and I'm not going to stop working with him because of this." I straight up tell him.

"He's too dangerous, you can't handle him." Hardin retorts.

"Because I'm human?" I glare, instantly becoming defensive.

"Because you have no experience with a dog of its aggression, or size!" Hardin argues in exasperation.

"Then I'll get a trainer to help me." I stubbornly decide.

Maybe I have got a little attached to the dog, I shouldn't because he's a liability. But how could I not?

"Fine." Hardin grunts, displeased by the idea.

"Fine." I retort, turning my head to the window.

"And if you ever think about laying a hand on that dog again, you'll be joining him outside." I state firmly.

Hardin says nothing, he knows I'm serious. Prying the dog off me is one thing, I'm grateful for it. But Hardin didn't let go, he was gripping the dog by its snout and jaw, about to yank it open wide and snap it.

All because he's angry, more so than usual. He's been a little short tempered the past couple of days, more irritable than usual. I think it's because we're having a family dinner with his parents, and he hates lying to them. They don't know I'm "pregnant" yet, we figured there's no use in calling them and making it a whole thing.

Hardin and I ignore one another the rest of the way, we arrive at the hospital and head inside. Even still, I don't talk to him.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" One of the women smiles at us from the front desk.

"I got bit by a dog." I quickly but in before Hardin can, brushing past him as I approach her.

"Ok, is it a serious wound?" She asks me, polite enough but it's a stupid question.

So I unwrap the jacket, revealing my forearm which is gushing with blood. The woman instantly looks faint.

"Oh, my! Ok, come with me." She quickly gets up and leads us down the left hallway, past multiple waiting rooms.

I'm taken to some doctor that immediately injects the the area around the bite, some sort of vaccine before he begins cleaning the wounds. Once they're clean, he stitches them up and covers them with a breathable gauze. Along with a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

So that was fun.

We return home in silence, exiting the car and parting ways. He heads back inside the house, probably to fill everyone in on what happened given they're all so curious. While I return to feeding the dog, this time with the training dummy.

I gaze at the dog, right into the guiltless eyes that bore right back into my soul. I hesitate.

"Hate me all you want, but I am the only thing standing between you and death." I state, offering it a biscuit on the false hand.

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