Chapter 72 - Part A

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By nightfall the jet is landing, leaving the moment I grab my shit and get off. I suppose even a pilot working for the Elders doesn't feel comfortable sticking around longer than necessary.

Ellesmere Island.

The ground is harsh little stones, the air ice cold on my face despite there being no snow on this particular part of the island. As much as I want to go home, there's no going back now. That thought is unnerving, knowing I'm stuck here until I make that call to say It's done.

Using the huge flash flash I'd brought, I set up my tent as quickly as possible, tossing all the camping gear inside so it doesn't get damp. Making sure the poles are secure into the brittle hard ground, I climb into the small tent, grabbing the torch so I'm not completely in the dark as I settle in for the night, eventually switching the light off to conserve battery.

I wish Hardin was here. I wish that I'd cuddled up to him more, basked in his warmth a little longer.

The cold that I breath does nothing to keep me warm, forcing me to zip the heavy jacket up my face and pull the drawstrings of my hood tight.


The next morning is definitely not refreshing. More stiff than I care to admit from sleeping on something that isn't exactly comfortable. I crawl from the tent as if my spine is broken, crying quietly in pain as I stretch out my body.

For now I'll be camping here, by a shallow lake that has been reported to be the least likely place any of them visit for water or food. The place is barren.

Using the only pot I had thought to bring with me, I find some wood, enough to create a little fire. I'd taken classes with the Elders, so starting a fire without a match is pretty easy.

Water. Grabbing the pan, I head towards the lake and scoop some water from the surface. I'd thought ahead and brought my emergency survival kit, which includes a portable fire pit. So I set it up over the small pile of wood, setting the pan on top to begin heating. As it does, I collect more wood, enough to last me through the night and tomorrow. I set it close to the heat of the fire, to help dry it out a little.

What I don't miss are the silver packets of space food.

I expected this place to be as cold and unwelcoming as the monsters who reside here, and I'm now glad that I'd packed enough to survive for the month. It means rations, and boiling water and letting it cool before I drink it. It means having to use a cloth and warm water to clean myself, no swimming in the lake, it's so cold I'd probably die within the day.

I've felt cold before, I've been to places where there's nothing but snow.

Yet somehow this is colder. And I'm not even on the snow covered mountains yet. The fact that the Elders think I can survive here is insane. Maybe that's their point...maybe they don't want me to survive.

The water bubbling has me returning to the fire, and I set the pan aside. As it cools, I grab the only item of entertainment I could fit in my bag...a word search puzzle book. Luckily I'd grabbed a whole pack of pencils.


L-A-I nope.

L-A-N-L nope.

My eyes scan the letters, repeating them in my head until finally I draw a line through it, a small smile on my face. Gotcha'.

I find a couple more words but grabbing my flask and pouring the lukewarm water inside it. I immediately gulp at least half, the slight warmth taking that iciness off my chest.

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