Chapter 45

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I drove Winter back home early morning, as promised Hardin is finished with pack business in only four days. I didn't mind, it meant I got a little extra time with Winter.

Who knows when I'll see her again.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Hardin frowns deeply, eyes on the road.

"He's chained up, the lady who brought him said that he was as nasty as they come. Truth be told, the dog is quiet, I don't think I've heard it whine or bark once." I tell him, finding it a little strange.

"I mean it is safe for you. Half my men wouldn't pick a fight with a Caucasian shepherd, never mind someone who doesn't heal." Hardin says, his tone concerned.

"I don't get anywhere near close enough for him to graze me, I'll be fine." I shrug, staring up the field as we turn onto my driveway.

"That's it?" Hardin stares at the tall fluffy figure in the distance, as stiff as he always is.

"Yeah." I sigh, unclipping my seatbelt.

Hardin parks the car and we get out, while I simply pay the dog no attention, Hardin full on stares at it. All of a sudden Hardin stops walking, staring at the dog with this bone chilling gaze.

"What's wrong?" I question, glancing at Lucifer.

"If I were you, I'd give it back to the human and have it shot." Hardin growls lowly, eyes darkening.

Maybe he smells whatever emotion the dog is feeling?

"I said I'd try help it. Besides, if it doesn't eat within the next three days she'll be taking it back." I shrug, heading inside the house.

"The only thing keeping you from being bitten is that chain, it has a familiar stench to a rogue. Which also means it won't allow another to be Alpha." Hardin tells me.

"I don't get why humans are allowed these animals. That dog was once an innocent puppy, and look at it...their solution is to kill it because of their own mistakes." I scoff, staring at the beast glowering at us through the glass.

I could see the hunger in its eyes, the yearning for food. While I do feel a little guilty, I'm reminding myself that the dog is being offered food, three times a day at my choosing. How am I supposed to help it, when it goes into a frenzy at the sight of raw meat?

"Remind you of anyone?" Hardin asks me with a slight grin, clearly hinting at me.

I mean, he's not wrong. I never thought of it that way, personally because I'm Alpha female and that's a dog.

"So what, I should train it the same way as I would my wolf?" I question, already realising it's a fabulous idea.

My wolf is viciously protective of me, my bloodlust is hers. Maybe I should stop treating Lucifer like he's a dog, and start training him like he's a wolf.

"I say shoot it, but if you really want to help it, yes. That dog needs an Alpha before you can be it's friend." Hardin shrugs.

"You just said it won't allow another to be Alpha." I point out, frowning at him.

"It won't." He confirms.

"But to help it I need to be it's Alpha." I say slowly, a tad muddled.

"You do." He nods.

Tutting irritably, I sit on the couch and grab the large leather book I snagged from Hardin's office.

"I figured it out by the way." I state.

Hardin looks at me for a moment, before catching on. "Already?" He seems surprised by this.

"I have gone through this entire book, and with every pregnancy the DNA blood tests show hormone imbalance. For a human that's not good news, but for a wolf it makes the pregnancy known to other wolves." I explain to him.

Hardin sits beside me, one arm on the back of the couch as his eyes bore into me.

"I'm not entirely certain yet, but I think if we find a willing she-wolf we can take some blood, clean it, alter the DNA to match mine, and then put it in me." I say.

It sounds so much easier than it actually is.

"I hear many things wrong with all of that. For starters, no she-wolf that is aware Roman wants you will willing trick him. Secondly, altering DNA is not only extremely dangerous, but it takes time and we don't have much of that. Also, I'm not willing to inject you with something that could potentially kill you." Hardin reels off with a deeply unsettled frown.

"The Elders can do it, how do you think they make the rod to prevent pregnancies? We can't bring people on board with what we're doing, which means we have to do it ourselves. I'm willing to take the risks, Hardin." I say, setting the book aside.

Hardin just shakes his head. "New idea, why don't you go to headquarters and see what you can find in their dungeons of doom?"

"Like they wouldn't notice me sneaking around." I snort. The Elders aren't so friendly with me right now, it would be suspicious to randomly turn up acting like it's water under the bridge.

Plus, they know me as much as I hate to say it. They know I don't forgive and forget so easily.

"We'll test it on a sample first, make sure it's safe." I say, knowing there's no other choice.

"Do you know any pregnant she-wolves willing to deny both the Elders and Roman the truth?" Hardin asks with this know-it-all look on his face, fully aware that I don't.

My silence only proves him right.

"New idea." Hardin's eyes darken a shade, and he moves closer, almost touching me.

"Don't you dare." I glare instantly, stepping back from his tempting eyes.

"You haven't even heard the idea." He complains, growling slightly.

Do I look like I was born yesterday?

"I heard it loud and clear, and the answer is no. I'm not getting pregnant for real you idiot." I snap, brushing past him and heading upstairs.

God, he must be the most intelligent stupid person I've ever met. Did he actually think I'd agree?

"It's easier than putting your life at risk!" Hardin shouts up the stairs.

"Easy for you to say! You don't have to push it out!" I shout back at him.

It's not even the birth that puts me off so much, the whole idea of another loss is unbearable. Purposely getting pregnant knowing what could happen, it's sick.

"It was just a suggestion!" I hear as I slam my bedroom door like a temperamental teenager.

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