Chapter 4- Ethan A

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Fighting. Dragons. Fire. Ice. What was this? The Shade of Flight was fighting against some unknown dragons that had just popped out of nowhere! What the! As the rest of them fought bravely, he tried to sneak off to warn the others. The girls. But a dragon caught him in the chin, and he scraped a few times at the dragon's belly before it let go of him with an anguished roar.

He frantically flew to the girl's treehouse, which was cleverly camouflaged in the trees. He poked his head in, and the girls rushed out.

"Come and help us! We're under attack!" He yelled desperately, and the girls joined him, Luna at the lead. The new wave rushed into the haze of confusion and crimson.

Ethan fought his way back into the midst of the fighting, when a dragon bit into his tail, and he let out a pained scream. The dragon tried to pin his wings down, but he flipped around and avoided the talons. The attacker, persisting, flung themselves at him, talons reaching out, but Ethan kicked him in the stomach, causing the dragon to fly backwards, and knock another anonymous dragon to be pushed to the ground.

Ethan was breathing heavily, panting in raspy breaths as he helped Justin fight what looked like the leader of the other gang. They swooped in in sync, causing the other dragon to be confused and they successfully knocked the other dragon onto the forest floor.

Justin smiled gratefully at Ethan, then turned back to their hostage- time for some questioning! Ethan nodded, then, knowing what Justin wanted him to do, back away into the undergrowth, far enough to barely hear what they were saying, but close enough so that the hostile dragon held captive couldn't attack Justin.

Ethan could only hear snippets of words as Justin (tried not to) threaten the leader to get information. "HATE... attack?... rich... award... queen..." He sighed. This was useless. He should go and help the rest of the group. He launched off at a dragon who was trying to creep up behind Callum who was trying to fight three dragons at once.

Ethan was probably the fastest dragon in the Shade of Flight group. He had big wings like a Sky dragon, and had a whip thin tail to help him in flight. Suddenly, there was a screech and Jonathan fell to the ground with a heavy thump. Blood seeped out of a long scratch down his back. Ethan growled angrily and tried to swoop to his friend's aid, but a few dragons blocked him. In an uncontrollable rage, he tore them away, kicking them, bit the weak spot on their tails, and used his talons to rip them away as he dived next to his friend. Izzy appeared next to him, producing a long leaf bandage, cream, and tree sap.

She gently rubbed the cream around Jonathan's scratch, thought for a minute, then stuck the leaf bandage on using tree sap. Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief, and rolled face first into a soft bush of fern, eyes closed. Then, he suddenly jumped up. "Time to fight again!" He yelled enthusiastically, but then Xiaowan appeared and rolled her eyes.

"No, you need a rest." she insisted stubbornly, and Jonathan wrinkled his face before whining a bit, then sat on the fern, flattening it. Ethan sat next to him. Now, it was Xiaowan's turn to wrinkle her face. Fern was her favourite plant! It didn't deserve to be flattened! By two dragons! But she just camouflaged herself again, and launched into battle.

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