Chapter 5- Levi

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He was fighting as hard as he could, but he still couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He was always smiling! It was part of him to smile. He liked being silly at times to cheer others up.

He spotted Justin pinning the leader of the other group down, and he slashed at the other dragons fighting around him, careful not to hurt anyone in the Shade of Flight. Suddenly, there was a whistle and he saw a familiar face with ANOTHER group dive in.

This completely overwhelmed the enemies, and they fled back into the depths of the forest, the leader kicking Justin in the chin and flying away. Zain was back! The Shade of Flight all cheered and rushed over to him.

"You came back!"

"Where were you?"

Voices echoed around the clearing, wanting to be heard and answered. "Woah, woah, woah. One at a time!" Zain exclaimed. Dragons once again pushed in and Justin flew over and promptly sat on the older's back, giggling.

Xiaowan rolled her eyes. "These over- excited dragons!" she muttered. But deep inside, everyone was happy to see him back.

"It's such a coincidence that I could help you! Since I joined my siblings, I have become the leader, even though I'm the youngest. I decided I wanted to come back and say goodbye again, although we probably won't see each other again. Who knows, we might meet up again, but for now, we need to leave." Zain explained.

Then he smiled, hugged his friends, then once again took off with his siblings. Levi smiled as Zain looked back one more time. He thought he could even see tears shining in his eyes. Then he bounced off giggling in his unique way as he continued his job of picking fruit for the Shade of Flight.

He had joined at quite a young age, running away from the royal guards for stealing a jewel from the queen. Just a jewel, and they were trying to kill him. He had to help his family! He was only 4 at the time. He knew that the Shade of Flight would bring him adventures, but what was ahead was not something he could imagine.

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