Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sharna's P.O.V

I continued to allow the water to soak around my body until i felt completely relaxed, Conor was just playing random things but it was amazing just to hear him.

"you ready to get out love?"

i opened my eyes and looked at Conor before nodding slowly


he nodded and quickly took the keyboard out before coming back in and grabbing a towel, loosly chucking it over his shoulder before rolling up his sleeves

"c'mon then gorgeous"

i nodded and used all my strength to push up on arms but i soon felt Conor slip his hands under me and hoist me up and over the bath, into his warm embrace, he didnt seem to care that i was soaked just wrapped the towel around me before placing me down on the toilet. Conor quickly rushed off whilst i dried myself down and he came back holding a dress and some frilly lacey underwear.

I raised my eyebrow at him but he just winked and offered them to me

"a welcome home present"

I smiled at him and accepted them before he held me slip the underwear on before helping me into the dress, he pulled it up over my boobs and stared down at me, his bright blue eyes caught me in a lock as i felt his hands trail down my back before they pulled up slightly, taking the zip to the top.

"beautiful." Conor whispered before leaning down and planting his lips on mine, i kissed back for a few moments before we heard someone coughing, we pulled away and looked towards the door where Jack was standing looking very awkward

"sorry to break it up but Con you need to get ready then we're going"

Conor nodded and Jack came over to me and looped his arm around my waist as i looped mine around his shoulder, his eyes trailed up and down my dress

"damn Shay-Shay if Conor hadnt just kissed you then i'd skip the dinner and just take you to my room right here right now"

I laughed but Conor just glared at his brother, i must admit the dress did make me look amazing. It was tight red and strapless coming mid-thigh. Jack helped me out as Conor went to get some clothes before heading back into the bathroom to get ready. Jack led me into his room and i gave him a confused look as he let me rest on the bed

"ok Jackie i thought you were joking?"

he winked

"course i wasnt"

I looked at him confused but he just burst out laughing

"dont worry Shay-Shay course i am, i just wanted to do your hair"

I laughed slightly

"right A, wheres this new nickname come from and B, what makes you think i'm letting you anywhere near my hair?"

he pouted his bottom lip out and made puppy eyes. I paused for a few moments before shrugging

"go on then"

he smiled and got out a pair of straightners before plugging them in and sitting behind me

"and i wanted to give you a nickname and Shay-Shay was all i could think of"

"well then lets think of nicknames together for each other" i offered

I felt his hands begin to play with my hair softly, the straighteners making it nice and warm as it fell on my back

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