Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up to the sound of banging downstairs, i sighed, dad. I grumbled and tried to use my pillow to block out the sound but it was no good, i heaved myself out of bed and brought my hands up to my lips.

Conor had kissed me, because i told him to, yet i was still with tom... Guilt flew everywhere and i made a mental note to nicely leave tom so i could be with Conor... but what if he didnt want a relationship? what if i was just some kind of friend-with-benefits to him?

I sighed and began to rumage through my wardrobe till i had found my white skinny jeans, strapless goldigga top and underwear. I headed into the bathroom and had a quick shower before shoving my hair into a ponytail and applying mascara and lip balm.

I headed into my room and placed my hands on my hips for a few moments thinking about where to start with all the boxes i have. I plugged in my earphones and began dancing and singing loudly to Alex Day - Good Morning Sunshine as i began to unpack.

About 30 minutes in and i was nearly done but just as i spun around and was about to belt out a massive chorus my mouth dropped and my cheeks flushed red, Conor stood there in all his hotness carrying a tray with a cheese toastie cut in half and a glass of orange juice on.

I quickly pulled my earphones out and chucked them on the floor as Conor just laughed and walked over to my bed placing the tray down before flopping on my beanbag.

"i came to knock on you and your dad said you hadnt had breakfast so he told me to bring it up, nice singing by the way"

The smirk didnt leave his face. i growled at him and sat down on the bed, taking half the toastie and beginning to eat it

"why did you come over anyway?"

"im taking you out today. i told you this"

i paused but then nodded slowly remembering, i quickly finished my half and drank some drink only to see Conor saunter over and grab the other half. I pulled a shocked face and jumped up as he took another bite, we began spinning around as i tried to reach it, he had nearly finished it but he stopped and held my hands together before placing it near my mouth, i smirked.

"your trusting me not to bite your fingers?"

he laughed before nodding

"yes so please dont hurt me"

I laughed and held his hand still before he placed it in my mouth, i quickly finished it before licking his fingers, he quickly wiped them on me and i shoved him slightly.I watched as he went over to my shoe rack i had just unpacked, he picked up a pair of red converse before holding them out to me.

"yes darling these will totally compliment your eyes and just bring out those beautiful trousers"

he said in a a camp gok-wan style of voice causing us both to burst out laughing. I took the shoes off him and slipped them on typing them up. I jumped back up


he smiled and nodded, taking my hand in his, i pulled it out quickly in a flinch, his smile disappeared slightly

"oh yeah... boyfriend, i get it"

i sighed slightly and conor shook himself slightly before looking up, i slowly reached out and hooked his hand with mine, the smile grew on his face.

"lets get going then, its always best when it first opens"

i gave him a confused look but he shook it off by going downstairs, i followed him and after saying goodbye to my dad, him giving me £50 i stepped outside, side-by-side with Conor.

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