Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 6

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ok so this chapter is slightly disturbing and includes violence/rape and a little bit of swearing so im sorry in advance, i'll try to keep it to a minimum though <3 Cazza xxx


Chapter 6

I woke up feeling the most groggiest ive ever felt, then everything hit me. Tom and me arguing over the fact that i lived next door to conor maynard, and its not like i hated him and all his songs but with the fact that in my old house i used to have pictures of himeverywhere, i drew him all the time, i sang all his songs and didnt shut up about him.

Yeah it obviously turned out badly, i heaved myself out of bed and turned to the window, my mind focused on conor. I walked over to it and pulled down the sign, crying i scrunched it up and chucked it in the bin. I needed to speak to conor, maybe i had been a little too hard on him.

I went over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone to check the time, 11:39am, wow id slept in late. I chucked my phone down on the bed and went downstairs, dad was in the lounge with conors and they were happily chatting away, they both looked up when they saw me.

"oh morning sleeping beauty"

i smiled as i went over and gave dad a kiss on the cheek

"umm, im getting changed and going to see conor"

both guys went quiet, i looked between them confused


conors dad looked up at me

"conor left this morning, about 9 ish"

i paused for a moment, he had left without even saying bye, although by the way i acted im sure he was scared he'd loose his head.

"oh ok thats fine, im going to go explore then, find some good shops"

dad nodded and i gave him another kiss before heading back upstairs to get ready. After having a quick shower i got changed into black skinnys and a The Midnight Beast top, i slipped on some converse, grabbed my phone and £30 from the side, shoved them both in my pocket and went downstairs.

Both dads were still chatting but watching the football as well, i gave dad a quick kiss before waving bye to them both and heading out.  I began walking along the pavement, i must have been walking for about an hour before i reached a long high street full of shops.

I began walking through looking aimlessly through the windows, i wasnt sure why id come down here but i had.

"well well well, hello gorgeous"

i turned and to my suprise saw the guy that had confronted me and Conor that day, i think his name was Kurt or something, all i remember is that hes bad news, really really bad news.

"go away."

i said coldly before turning quickly and walking the other way, he was on his own but just ignored me and came running up next to me

"not out with little conor today then?"

I felt my eyes prick at the mention of his name, Kurt must have noticed as he looped his arm around my neck and pulled me closer

"well then princess its good that way"

he paused and leant closer to my ear

"now your all mine"

he whispered the last part and i shivered before pulling away from him

"i said go away"

he laughed before stepping closer,

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