Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jack's P.O.V

Sharna was perfect. There was no other way to describe her. The way her blonde hair just fell perfectly behind her when she walked, even her blue streaks shone through then when she wore snapbacks, holy shit its a wonder im still alive and not some pile of ash on the floor.

I felt her head rest on my chest as i held her close, snow falling all around us. The temperature was freezing but i was boiling, suddenly i was aware of Sharna shaking slightly. I pulled away and looked down at her

"time to get home?"

she looked up and nodded slightly and i turned slightly to be by her side, i moved my arm so it was around my shoulder and i felt her wrap hers around my waist and i held her close, she buried her head slightly in my shoulder, trying to shield herself from the snow as we walked fairly quickly but quietly home.

When we got there i quickly got out my keys and let us in, we both took off our coats and shoes and i hung our coats up on the hooks before lacing her hand in mine and flashing a smile in her direction, she smiled back and our fingers interwined as we both went into the lounge.

Mum, dad, Anna, David(Sharna's dad) Conor, Jenny and an unknown baby were all sitting there, everyone looked up at us

"oh Jack, Sharna there you are, come look at little Jake"

she gestured to the baby and Conor stood up straight

"where were you two?"

his voice was edgy and i could tell he had seen our hands, yeah i got her now bro.

"Sharna came to work with me, George and Alex today"

He glared at me and i glared back, usually we never fought but this was tense.

"I'm Sharna"

Sharna said, breaking the ice, as she went over to Jenny and offered her hand

"Jenny and this is Jake, my little man"

she shook her hand and Sharna sat down and Jenny picked up Jake and gave him to Sharna for a hold, Conor still stared at me as I walked over and sat behind Sharna and rested my arm around her and used the other to gently stroke Jakes face, he was adorable i must admit

"hes gorgeous" Sharna said, smiling at Jenny, who smiled and nodded along

"i know, arent you little man?" she stroked his head a few times before looking up at us

"so.. are you two dating then?"

Sharna looked at me and i looked back at her before we both smiled and i turned back to Jenny

"working on it"

She smiled and nodded

"well its good you finally found someone Jack"

I smiled at her and we continued to fuss over the baby as Conor just stood there watching us, i knew he hated me right now but it was his fault for sending Sharna the mixed signals then running off to see Jenny at the meal.

"anyways me and Sharna are just going to chill out upstairs" i said standing up and turning coming face-to-face with Conor, who was still staring at me.

"oh well me and Conor were going to go out for dinner, we'd love for you to join us, Jakes staying here so it can be like a double date"

"of course, we'd lov-"

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