Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Sharna's P.O.V

I awoke to Thorn licking at my face, i shoved him off and he finally got the idea. I heaved myself out of bed and my eyes fell upon my painting of Conor from last night, it felt really good painting him, which is probably a stupid thing to say but it did. I had so many drawings of him but it felt good doing it from the real thing.

I found myself going under my bed and getting the box before sitting back on the bed and opening it up, i probably had about 30 drawings of Conor in here, they're all A4 as well so they took me a while to complete, i layed them all out on my bed and began looking through them all.

I looked back up at the painting and paused, i suppose i could actually go outside and paint something proper now, i think i spent more time on Conor than the sunset last night.

I quickly grabbed some fresh clothes before rushing into the bathroom for a quick shower, i washed my hair and got changed, putting my hair up as i went into my room. Thorn wandered off downstairs to get some breakfast but i wanted to catch a decent sun in the morning.

I opened the door/window and put the painting carefully leaning against one of the walls before carrying the easel outside, i quickly got all my paints out and sorted, just as i was carrying the chair out i looked over onto Conor's roof and saw him sitting there, on his laptop again, staring at me

"painting again?"

I nodded slowly

"you gotta let me see some of these sometime"

I nodded slowly. Conor laughed slightly and i felt a small smile creep onto my face as I sat down and got comfortable, holding my pencil up, i was about to look at the horizon line when my eyes fell upon Conor, for some reason he looked more perfect than he'd done before.

He was wearing a buttoned up shirt with a pair of loose jeans finished off with a pair of red high tops, he had a hoodie on but a leather jacket on over that and a snapback was placed practically perfectly on his head, his hair even looked brushed! I dont want to assume but i actually think he made a proper effort..

I found myself drawing the outline of Conor again, completely ignoring the sun as i focused on all the details I had done yesterday, although this time it was during the day.

"can i sing you something and you tell me what you think honestly?"

I looked over at him before nodding slowly, he smiled and played a little backing track on his laptop and began to sing, his voice sounded so soft that even the early morning birds would have been jealous. When he'd finished he looked at me

"what do you think? does it sound too JLS?"

I smiled slightly

"im thinking too telletubbies-y"

he laughed

"now thats mean"

I poked my tongue out and he did the same before i nodded

"no it sounds ok, although change the second line, thats just too cliche"

He smiled and nodded

"looks like ive not been an arsehole today then?"

I continued with my painting and he began working again but we continued to talk

"not yet Maynard, you never know what the future holds"

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