Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sharna's P.O.V

I groaned as i rolled over and opened my eyes slowly, i gave myself a few minutes to adjust before getting up slowly and looking about my room, my eyes fell upon my easel leant up against the wall and i sighed slowly, i hadnt done a painting in ages.

I saw my clothes from yesterday on the edge of the bed, Conors jacket was also there. I sighed again, definately giving him all that back today, i tried to hold back a lump in my throat as i remembered dinner last night, how he was about to tell me he liked me then boom! this Jenny girl returns.

I quickly got out of bed and headed over to my wardrobe getting out a pair of grey skinnys and a fluffy micky mouse jumper, i grabbed some underwear before heading into the bathroom to get ready. I was soon done and i headed back into my room before putting the dress, shoes and Conors jacket into a bag and heading downstairs.

"oh morning sweetheart, doing anything good today?"

I stopped by the door and saw my dad, i shrugged slightly and held up the bag loosely

"well i gotta give these back to Conor then i might see Jack for a bit"

he nodded slowly, slightly unconvinced

"what?" i asked him, wondering why he had a certain look on his face

"which one of them do you like?"

I felt my cheeks go red slightly as i shrugged quickly before shaking my head

"neither, they're both mates"

he raised an eyebrow at me and i just sighed

"its complicated, like proper complicated but i'll explain one day"

before he could even say ok i had slipped on my grey pumps with a flower on and was heading outside. I went around to the Maynards and knocked a few times, the door was soon opened revealing Jack, a smile instantly came on his face

"hey salt"

i laughed

"hey pepper"

he moved out the way and gestured for me to come inside, i did as he said and he closed the door before turning to me

"whats up then sweets?"

"i need to give these back to Conor" i said, offering him the bag, he paused and looked down slightly

"well hes kinda gone out with Jenny, they've gone for a catch up"

I felt that lump in my throat return as i looked down slightly

"but its ok because you can come to work with me if you want?"

I looked up and smiled warmly at him and he smiled back

"c'mon then, i just gotta change my top"

I nodded and we went upstairs and into his room, i put the bag on his bed and sat down as he pulled off a loose top and began looking through his wardrobe, he was already wearing black trousers and smart shoes, he pulled out two tops and turned to me

"your a girl, which one makes me a chick magnet?"

I laughed and shook my head


he laughed and winked

"as much as i know how much you love me practically naked i cant show myself off to everyone"

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