Be My Vegas Girl? - Chapter 3

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Sharna's P.O.V

Conor's parents welcomed us into their house and even managed to give us a quick tour of the place, we all went into the kitchen and conor sat on the sideboard only to get remarks to get down from his parents.

I smiled to myself, it was so nice how his parents didnt treat him any different now he was famous. His mum was buzy cooking and a few seconds later she sighed, turning around

"damn i forgot to get us something for pudding, conor do you fancy nipping down the shops and picking out something?"

he nodded slowly and came over to me slightly

"you wanna come?"

i nodded slowly before we both went into the hallway and slipped on our shoes. We both headed outside and he guided me along the street, we were both walking in silence till he turned to me slightly.

"so... what brings you to brighton? apart from me obviously"

the smirk returned to his face and i just shook my head laughing before turning slightly serious

"well my parents just split up and dads always wanted to live here so... here i am"

Conor's smile disappeared as he looped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer

"im sorry spice"

i chuckled slightly, trying to hold in any tears that wanted to fall down

"its fine, just stupid really"

he kept his arm around my shoulder and for some reason i didnt want him to remove it, it was comforting and nice.

"so you had to leave everything behind?"

i nodded slowly and stared down at the floor

"pretty much, my college, my home, my friends, family-"

he interupted

"your boyfriend?"

i paused before nodded slightly, awkward silence fell and we carried on walking

"we got together the day before i left, we'd been best friends for ages and it just sorta happened"

Conor looked at me slightly confused

"i thought girls dont date their best friend?"

i nodded slowly, still looking away

"i know, i feel really shit because i dont think the distance will make it work and i'll loose my best friend"

my voice trailed off and conor gave me a reasurring squeeze.

"you'll be fine, i promise"

before i could respond we heard alot of loud, rowdy voices coming up to us, Conor looked up and instantly brought me closer to him, he leant over to my ear.

"play along" he whispered and yet again before i could respond 9 men appeared in front of us

"well well well little Conor Maynard back from his little superstar world"

they all laughed and cheered and Conor stiffened up

"got yourself a pretty fine bird there"

"yeah i'd do that"

"i get her first, i hate sloppy seconds"

i began to feel my heart race

"you wont go near her"

they all started laughing at him

"oh yeah?"

"we'd give her a better time"

"yeah let us take her off your hands"

Conor held me closer and refused to move from his protective block

"i said you wont go near her." Conor said, getting sterner and angrie. they just carried on laughing.

"what you gunnu do maynard?"

"wow we're so scared"

One of the men stepped forward, i'm guessing he was the leader, he ignored conor pulled me behind him

"at least let me introduce myself to my future girl"

i gripeed onto his top and i knew he knew i was petrified

"she'll never be yours"

"haha course, she's yours, i get it, but in that let me introduce myself as a guy she can count on, not one that leaves his girlfriend, dear little Jenny, all alone in the dark ready for-"

Conor lost it and swung his fist straight into the mans face, we heard a click and everyone took a few moments to realise what had happened. Conor grabbed my hand and instantly legged it, dragging me along.

We ran along the street and heard a few of the voices following us, Conor held onto me tight and i did the same, we didint stop running until we saw the shop.

We burst inside and the man behind the counter gave us a strange look but conor ignored it as he pulled me into an empty aisle. He instantly turned to me and grabbed my face with both his hands.

"are you ok? your not hurt are you? they didnt grab you and i missed it did they?they're bad news Sharna, i forbid you from even looking at them, im being serious"

he rushed through all his words, i put my finger on his lips

"Calm down Conor, i'm fine and i wont, they're disgusting"

he nodded and pulled me into a hug and held on so tight i thought i was going to implode. I felt my shoulder getting sightly wet and i pulled away slowly to see Conor turn away quickly and brush at his eyes.

"Conor... are you crying?"

he shook his head quickly

"no im fine, lets just get a pudding and i'll get someone to come and pick us up"

i nodded slowly and he took my hand in his and we walked through the store. I began flicking through my memory until i remembered something.... who was Jenny?


sorry its short and that i havent uploaded in ages, ive just started my art and design course at college so its very buzy :) <3 Cazza xxx

PS. any ideas on who Jenny is??

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