Idk wut to name this chapter :)

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Remus ran and ran, legs burning as the shouts of the people behind him faded, the rustling of the tree leaves soon became the only sound he could hear, he ran away until he began to get a cramp in his hip, it felt like a shard of glass had been stuck in his hip, every step causing a sharp shoot of pain to blast through his body.

When he was sure that he was far-away from the orphanage, he fell down on the grass, breathing in and breathing out, sweat falling off his face like a waterfall, the grass tickling his skin, he watched the rising sun peek out from the darkness. As he lay there, he wondered about where he was gonna go now. Like, where he was gonna find Charlotte, he knew where Charlotte was, but he didn't where he was.

He was also wondering what was happening back at the orphanage, what Albert and Stinky Sally would do to Alex and Will. Remus could guess, however he would never know.


Well, what happened at the orphanage was one of the guesses Remus had.

Alex sat on the staircase, his hands on his cheeks as he looked at his shoes, looking down, not wanting to make eye-contact with anyone, he could hear the mummer's of Albert and Stinky Sally in the kitchen. He was tapping his fingers on his forehead, wondering what on earth they would do to him. The rest of the kids were in the bedrooms, they were ordered not to come out by Albert and Susan was up there with them, trying to keep them entertained and also to try to keep the kids from interfering too much with what was happening downstairs.

Alex and Will has been sitting on the stairs for quite some time, he didn't know how long, it could have been an hour, maybe two, all Alex knew was that it was early in the morning, as Alex could see the light of the rising sun on the carpet.

"You seem nervous?" Will asked in this tone that almost sounded mocking. 

Alex looked up to see Will was picking at his fingernails without a worry in the world,

"Well," Alex started, "Probably cause Albert and Stinky Sally will k!ll us when they finish talking,"

Will shrugged his shoulders, "Well, they can't do anything that bad, or, you know, they'll go to jail, honestly, don't fret about it!"

"That's easy for you to say!" Alex told Will, "You've been in trouble with them many times, so this isn't that bad for you!"

Will shrugged his shoulders again, "I guess you got a point-"

"Also," Alex interrupted, "We just helped a kid escape  from a orphanage! We are gonna be-"

Alex was interrupted when the kitchen doors slammed open and out walked Albert, Albert was glaring at Alex and Will in a way that Alex didn't even think was humanly possible.

"You two," Alex spat out, pointing a grimy finger at both of them, he wasn't even bothering to hide the venom in his voice, "I don't know what was going on in your stupid minds when you helped that kid escape from this place, but, know that you guys are in so much trouble, that-"

The doors clicked open and in walked a middle-aged women, her chestnut brown hair tied up in a ponytail, she looked tied as her eyes were droopy, but, underneath that tiredness, Alex could see a flicker of hope (pun intended)

"Hope!" Albert yelped, looking startled,

"Hello Albert," Hope said in a quite but friendly voice, 

Albert looked around the room, thinking about what to say. Alex supposed this was Remus Mum, Alex was slightly shocked, she had always imagined Remus Mum to be, well, to be like a second version of Stinky Sally, this women seemed so nice and gentle, he couldn't imagine why Remus didn't want to be with her.

"Um, Hope...where's Lyall," Albert asked, looking more nervous be the second,

"He couldn't come here today, had to go to work," she replied, playing with her hair,

"Ah, right,"

"Anyways," She said, she had stopped playing with her hair, "Where's this boy you say might be my son?"

"," Albert stumbled, looking at Alex and Will resentfully. Hope must of taken the look the wrong way,

"Oh, don't worry, they can listen in, I don't mind," Hope said, giving Alex and Will a bright smile, 

"Well," Albert began, "He, ran away," acid slipped into Alberts voice and Alex knew exactly who the acid was aimed at, "We'll look for him! And we'll contact you when we find him-"

"Don't worry about it, it's fine," Hope replied, her face was the definition of disappointed but not surprised, "Thanks anyway," she said as she headed towards the door, opened it and left, leaving the door slightly ajar,

Albert breathed a sign of frustration, gave Alex and Will an acid filled glare and walked up the stairs, "I'm gonna talk to Susan for a moment," he told them, not looking at them, "You two stay there or else,"

Albert went upstairs and Alex could hear the faint murmurs of Albert and Susan talking. 

"Well," Will said, breaking the silence, "Now I have a billion questions, but I'm not gonna ask any of them cause I'm too lazy too-, wait, Alexa, where are you going?" for Alex had now gotten up and was walking towards the door, not listening to a single word Will was saying. Alex had seen the way Hope was so excited and hopeful to see her son, even though she didn't say anything about it, Alex didn't know a lot about her, but he knew one thing was certain, Hope loved Remus. Hope loved Remus in a way that Alex had never gotten to experience himself. He had no idea why Remus didn't want to see his Mum, but Alex was not gonna allow this women to not see her son.

Alex opened the door and saw Hope walking away. He ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Hope looked around, confused,

"Hello, what do you want-"

"Your son is out there!" Alex blurted out and Hope furrowed her eyebrows,


"He's like, a werewolf, and he's gonna save this girl in some werewolf hideout!" Alex told her, not really sure how to make the story sound believable. 

Hope looked at him in confusion, "Good to know," she murmured and walked away.

Another path for Remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now