Part 1 - Written in the stars...or was it maybe a contract?

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May, 2016.

Jamie's POV

My alarm rang through the room and I shot up instantly. Today was the first day of filming and I had to be at the set in two and a half hours. Even though I am so not a morning person, I drag myself out of bed and into the shower for my morning routine. After washing my hair I put it in a towel and walk to the kitchen for a quick bite. Cereal will have to do it, cause I was in no mood to cook... After finishing it off, I realized I desperately needed a coffee, but I still had to make myself look presentable and get through the LA traffic. Well, I guess I'll just hope my assistant buys an extra one.

Good luck with that one Jamie!

I dried my hair and let my natural light locks fall to my waist, put on some mascara and some red lipstick. I was one of those women who loved to look elegant and pretty all the time (except when I work out or when I lay around my house, but even then it has to be some tasteful combination)! I decided to slip on a tight business green dress that complimented my curves in an elegant way and ends just above my knees, showing off my long toned legs. I paired it with a pair of simple black heels. I approved of my look in the mirror and grabbed the essentials (such as phone, keys, copy of the script...) before walking out in front of my house to wait for the car I always order. I loved the sound of my heels clicking on the pavement. My figure was something I was quite proud off, and I liked to display it elegantly. I had long legs and a tight ass I was proud of, my stomach was also flat and toned and my breasts were a medium size and they were my insecurity... I always thought they were weirdly shaped, but none of the guys I've been with seemed to mind them. I guess every girl's gotta have an insecurity or two, the important thing is that she doesn't let them affect her confidence. I knew I was pretty and that I had a nice body, but in my eyes there sure were a couple of flaws.

Before I even knew it, I was sitting in the back seat of the black Audi and was stuck in the LA traffic. God I hate traffic! George, my driver, looks at me through the rearview mirror and smiles. He was such a sweet old man, maybe old is a bit of a strong word, but I'd say he was in his mid fifties.

''How are you this morning Ms. Anderson?'' He asks sincerely in that deep voice of his.

''Fine, thank you'' I reply with the politest smile from my collection. ''A bit nervous tho.'' I add honestly looking out the window.

''Why is that, if I may ask?''

''Well, today the filming starts and that just makes me a tiny bit anxious...'' I chuckle nervously. ''Being late is only adding to the stress.'' I sight.

''I'm very sorry Miss, there's nothing more I can to, you know how LA traffic can be...'' He speaks his apology quickly before I cut him off.

''No, I'm sorry George, I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining! Of course I know it's not your fault.'' I smile to him warmly attempting to clear the confusion I've made. ''I'm not that crazy!'' I add with a laugh, he laughs too.

''If I may add...'' He starts but stops to look into my eyes through the mirror as he seeks a permission to continue , I nod enthusiastically to encourage him. ''I've read the book, my wife has too. She even read some of your previous books, and we both think your skills as a writer are extremely good. I don't think you should worry about that.'' His soft and kind words calm me, but only a bit. After this I politely thank him for the compliment, and the rest of our ride is spent in a comfortable silence, occasionally I would softly hum to the tune of a song that came on the radio but other than that, the car was filled with a soothing sound of nothing.

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