Part 13 -Kiss and make up

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Jamie's POV

The sharp headache that woke me up this morning is slowly fading away as I sip on my coffee in the back yard. Honestly as much as my brain hurt I couldn't put it to rest. Events of last night swirled around in there constantly, not letting me have a peaceful minute. Chris text was still in there too, I know I should call him up and talk to him. But that sounds too exhausting! I kinda wish everything from last night would erase itself and we just wouldn't have to talk about this.

Well, I got news for you....that's not how life works.

Before I can overthink this situation for a thousand and first time my phone rings and the ID reads my best friend's name who has a bad habit of abandoning the rest us when she finds a guy worth her time in a club.

''You know after all the times you bailed on us when we go out, we should really have abandonment issues , S.'' I tease and hear her chuckle on the other end.

''Please, with your parents I don't think there's room for any more issues!'' She teases back and now it's my turn to chuckle. For a moment I considered her words and the thought of Paul flashed in my mind. She didn't mention him although he did a good number on me too. I know I'm not damaged goods and shit like that, but we all have our inner demons who we struggle to fight with each breathing day.

Wow, hat sure was poetic....

''So why'd ya call?'' I sip my coffee,

''Just to check in...'' She says in her best 'nonchalant' voice, but I know better,

''They told you ha?'' I smirk and she quickly responds,

''Yup.'' I can't help but chuckle. My friends seriously had no filter or respect for personal space or privacy.

''Alright, what do you wanna know?'' I sigh,

''I wanna know how are you feeling...'' She says but I feel like there's more,

''And...?'' I challenge,

''And..... If you've called Chris back yet.'' She exhales.

''I haven't called him back yet, no. But I'm gonna.'' I confess, ''And as far as how I'm feeling.... Well, it's complicated. I know that those guys were just drunk idiots and that Chris probably had nothing to with them coming over, but.... I felt cheap Sheila. Cheap and humiliated.'' I say and she sighs deeply. She knows how big of a deal that is to me, ''And I simply wonder if all that shit they said to me, was in fact just alcohol in them, or was that the image Chris put in their minds.'' I tell her everything that's been on my mind for the past 12 hours. She thinks for a minute before speaking,

''Listen, I don't know the guy. But I see that you like him. A lot. It'd be obvious to a blind person!'' I chuckle at her need to over exaggerate, ''And I also know that feeling humiliated, or as you say it 'cheap' is a big deal to you. So I think that this situation can only be rectified if you sit down and talk to him.'' She says and leaves me slightly stunned. I did not expect this kind of advice from her!

''Geez S, couldn't you have just said to forget him and go fuck someone else?'' I tease and she chuckles, ''I know you're right, but I'm dreading the conversation.... I really feel like I have no strength to do it.'' I complain and she responds,

''Trust me it's the hangover that's got you feeling like that now. Wait a couple of hours, you'll be a changed person. And if not, there's always tomorrow.''

''Okay, who are you and what the hell did you do with my best friend?'' I ask half seriously since her advice are really unusual.

''Yeah, I know. I kinda shocked myself too for a sec there.'' She fires back and we end up chuckling. ''Just talk to him, and promise me I'll be the first one you call when you do. And I'll be ready to go out and party if you split up, or bitch if you in fact decided to have a relationship with him.'' She states and I chuckle again and promise to do so. After that we hang up and I finish off my coffee.

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