Part 6 - Fucking amazing

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Jamie's POV

We walk into the bar, Chris' hand on my back when the barmen waves at us. Chris waves back and the guy points in the direction of a corner booth.

The bar looks really cool, dimmed lights, only a few people, a pool table-fuck yeah, leather seats with wooden tables and the smell of whiskey. It couldn't be more perfect than this!

As we sit down a waitress comes up,

''Hey Chris, who's the pretty lady?'' The girl asks, I guess Chris is a regular here since everybody knows and greets him.

''Hey Bonnie, this is my friend Jamie.'' He gestures towards me.

''Nice to meet ya Jamie! What would you guys like to drink?'' She asks, I order a scotch and Chris takes a beer.

''Wow, you're really popular around here...'' I say as the girl walks away.

''Well this is kinda my spot ya know?'' He asks,

''Sure I do, me and my friends have out bar too. It's actually quite similar to this one.'' I say and look around. He smiles and nods. The girl soon returns with our drinks,

''Thanks'' Chris says to her, she nods and walks away. ''Is your brother still in town?'' He asks and takes a sip of my beer, I sip on my scotch,

''He left yesterday morning.'' I say somberly, ''I hate it that he had to leave, we'll probably see each other in another three months.''

''I know, it sucks... I get to see my brother Scott often cause he's mostly in LA too, but I don't see my sisters as regularly. When I take time off I usually go to Boston, I have a house there for when I'm in town. It's really great to know they're all just a street away.''

We talk some more, I try to avoid heavy subjects and I seem to be successful. I finished my whiskey and ordered another one, I took a glance at the pool table.

''You know how to play?'' He asks, I weigh my options. If I tell him I do, we can play, I'd probably kick his ass and we'd have fun-hopefully he's not a sore loser.... But if I say that I don't, I could ask him to teach me which would feed his man ego plus it'd be way hotter. Lying it is!

''Only a little...'' I say sweetly and take a sip of the whiskey Bonnie brought me a second ago.

''Want me to show you?'' He asks and leans over the table, he's smirking at me. This'll be good!

''Sure'' I smirk back.

We go up to the table and grab sticks, he starts explaining the rules and I just tune out.  When I hear he's finishing up I zone back in, he placed the balls in the triangle on the table and took the liberty of breaking them. I observe him while he does so. He's so damn sexy, I haven't even noticed he took the jacket off, leaving him in a tight white tee shirt. He breaks the balls pretty good, maybe I wouldn't have won if we played after all... One of the striped falls into a hole, great I prefer solids!

''See now one of the striped went into the hole which means yours are solids, now I get to play again.'' He explains, it's sweet how patient he seems , wanting to explain it all to me. He takes a shot but misses.

''Damn!'' He mumbles. I smile a little, ''Now you give it a shot...''

I walk to the other side of the table and lean over it, I remember to stay in character so I place the stick wrong on my hand.

''Wait...'' He says and walks over to me, I can sense he's hesitating to lean over me but does so anyway. I feel his front pressed lightly to my back and hovers over my back. Placing his hands on mine and helping me place the stick right. I can smell his scent and it's amazing, I enjoy the way his body fits with mine.

THINKING ABOUT IT.... (CHRIS EVANS FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now