Part 9 - Good to know

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Jamie's POV

I woke up to the wonderful smell of the morning. Even better- a wonderful smell of a Saturday morning! I can't really explain it, but there is a certain smell in the morning air that just lets you know for certain it's morning. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Chris. His face turned towards me, his beautiful eyes closed and his face in all its glory. The beard was carefully trimmed and gave it just the right edge to make him look even more irresistible. I've seen him without the beard before, in interviews and previous movies, without it he looked younger, more innocent. He's beautiful either way, just looks more mature and maybe a little hotter with the beard tho.

''Mornin' sweetheart.'' He, oh so rudely interrupts my thoughts, with a husky morning voice that sends a shiver down my poor exhausted body.

Yes, I'm still deliciously sore from yesterday.

''Morning.'' I say and shuffle, pulling the unimaginably soft sheets closer to my naked body. I then feel his large hand grabbing my hip gently and tugging me towards him, so I shuffle even closer to him and press my back into his firm chest. His hand immediately draped around my torso and his perfect lips peppering kisses on my shoulder. ''We never got to the pizza last night...'' I coo at the feeling his lips provide. I place my hand on the arm that's still holding me flush up against him and caress it softly.

''Hmmm... I think our alternative dinner was even better.'' He says against my neck giving me one final kiss before sitting up slightly, I place my head on his toned chest and look up to him. My hand drawing random patterns on his rock hard abdomen and his hands glides my hair. I convert my look on his torso, I didn't notice before the tattoos. I mean, sure I noticed there were some tattoos, but never looked close up. I started tracing the one on his left chest when he said,

''It's a Buddhist saying I came across and really liked it. I believe it made me keep my head out of the clouds thru the whole fame thing. It says 'When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world'.'' He said. I looked at him with adoration. He was perfect.

''I like it.'' I say smittenly and peck the inked skin.

He goes on to explain the Taurus tattoo on his left upper arm, the 'loyalty' on his right upper arm, the one dedicated to his close friend Matt Bardsley on his right rib cage (my heart melted as I heard the story behind the tattoo), the Kanji symbol on his right biceps, initials SCS on his ankle for Shanna, Carly and Scott(adorable btw), and a Captain America logo on his arm.

''I like them, they all have meaning and represent something important to you.'' I say to reach to kiss him lightly.

''I'm glad you do, although they can be a bitch to cover for certain roles.'' He says thinking and I chuckle lightly. ''I haven't notice any on you, there aren't any hidden ones?'' He asked sweetly.

''No, when I was younger I had henna tattoos but I never got a permanent one.'' I explain and he nods kissing my head.

''I'm gonna head to the shower, wanna join me?'' He asked huskily against my ear. I giggled at the though of a hot steamy shower when the soreness between my legs reminded me just how insensible that decision would be.

''Sure, although I'm pretty sore from last night...'' I turn to him and he smirks proudly, ''so I think I better cool off for now. Not push the limit, ya know?'' Hi smirk reshapes into a smile and he kisses the top of my nose sending butterflies in my stomach into over-drive.

''Of course sweetheart. Come on, I'll even carry you.'' He says and gets up, before I could protest he already picked my naked body up and started walking us to the shower. He gently placed me inside and stepped in himself. We adjusted the water at the right temperature and he started massaging my wet scalp. I softly moaned at his idle hands as he put some shampoo in his palms and started washing my long hair. After I rinsed my hair I ran my fingers thru his. Even tho he's taller than me by half a head I can reach him easily. I shampooed his hair and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. I took in the sight of him, the face I already inspected this morning now relaxed and his beautiful features on display, hi broad shoulder and muscly arms that made me feel flustered just at the sight of them. His hard chest that had become a dear pillow for me and the toned abs that caused tingles in my lower abdomen. His length was impressive, but even more importantly well used. The whole of him was perfect. At least the parts I had yet seen...the thought of 'nobody's that perfect' ran thru my mind but I decided to toss it away and not let it spoil the moment. As I finished with his hair, his eyelids revealed the gorgeous blue irises and his plum lips parted into a side grin,

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