Part 10 - Awaiting for the other shoe

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Chris' POV

''Can I ask something?'' I ask and trace a pattern on the smooth tan skin of her thigh. I generally wanted to know everything about her. Jamie fascinated me with every word and move she made or said.

''Sure.'' She lifted her head and her green orbs watched me with adoration thru her lashes. I shifted slightly on the couch, careful not to disturb our tangled limbs.

''Remember when we played those 20 questions?'' I ask and she nods so I take it as a sign to continue, ''Well we kinda focused on something else and didn't get to finish the game...'' I say in her hair as a memory of that night floods my mind. She softly giggles, completely unaware of the effect that sound had on me. ''Not that I'm complaining!'' I quickly add and smirk, ''But I thought maybe we could finish now.'' I suggests and she looks up at me again.

''Sounds good.'' She coos and I smile. I'm laying on my back on the couch, my head on the armrest and she was laying between my legs with her back on my torso and her head on my chest. I caressed her arms and she played with the hem of her shirt. ''You go first since I have a feeling you've thought about this more than I have.'' She chuckles,

''Fair enough.'' I chuckle too, ''Besides swallowing any other dislikes I should know about?'' Honestly not the question I intended to ask, but maybe it's better to clear this first and then relax.

''Oh, uhm....'' She sounded surprised but not necessarily uncomfortable. ''I'm not a fan of anal to say in the least.'' She said a little less confident than usually, causing me to chuckle.

''Okay.'' I said as sweetly as possible, not wanting to discourage her. ''Anything else?'' I kiss her shoulder and she giggles.

''No not really. Except if we're talking about that S&M crap?'' She said and then looked up, ''You're not into that are you? Cause that's gonna be a problem if you are!'' She said sternly making me laugh hard. She's so cute like this. I love how she stood up and openly said what she's comfortable with and what she's not. I calm down and she's looking at me still on edge, waiting for my answer. ''I might be persuaded into bondage, but not the creepy kind.'' She says, emphasizing the word might. This throws me into another fit of laughter when I feel her small hand slap my arm. I calm down and gasp for air,

''I'm not into that don't worry.'' I say still laughing slightly and it's evident relief washes over her. She may be good at keeping a calm demeanor but those big emerald orbs are like a mirror and every bit of emotion is visible in them to those who look carefully. ''So bondage?'' I tease with a smirk and she rolls her eyes and lays back down so I can't see her beautiful face anymore. ''Your turn.'' I nudge her to go on,

''Biggest fear?'' She simply says.

This one got me thinking. There are a lot of things I'm scared of. Losing people I love, losing myself in the whole celebrity mess, never finding that one person to grow old with... Those were the main ones so I decide to go with the one that popped in my mind first.

''Losing the people I love. I always hear how people feel helpless when the ones they care about and love are suffering and there's nothing they can do about it. Just having to watch someone they love dearly slip away and not be able to do anything about it. Well that feeling. That's my biggest fear.'' I say honestly. I pray to God I never experience that feeling because I don't think I could take it. I love my family and close friends a lot and I don't wanna imagine how it would feel losing any of them. Just then she turns from in between my legs so her stomach is now against my front and she cups my face with her gentle hands. Her lips kiss mine and she pulls away with a sad smile. The green windows to her soul show sadness, sympathy and pain. It makes me wonder if this hit her too close to home. I become certain it had an effect on her when I notice her eyes get glassy. ''Hey...'' I whisper and pull her into a hug. She wraps her arms around my neck and hides her face in the crook of my neck. I lock my hands on her back and caress it softly. I feel her sob only a couple of times before she pulls away and sits up between my legs. She wipes her face with the back of her palm and forces out a smile. It's one of those smile that clearly doesn't reach her eyes so it's obviously a forced one.

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