Part 3 - Swept off her feet...literally

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Jamie's POV

When Sheila gathered herself last night Layla offered to drive her home and she accepted gladly. I could tell she was embarrassed of her break-down, she really doesn't like showing feelings. At least not since the fucking car accident. Adam joined them and they all left.

My alarm wakes me up, informing me it's morning. I drag myself out of bed and go to the bathroom. Once I finish in there I grab my phone and pull up my text thread with Sheila.


How you doing sweetie?

I hope Layla and Adam weren't too pushy last night...

I set in back on my dressing table and walk into my walk-in closet. I remember I'm gonna see Chris today. There are tingles in my stomach. Are those fucking butterflies? What am I, twelve? Gather yourself woman!

I pick out a tight navy sleeveless dress, with red hems. I pair it up with red heels and put on golden bracelets and matching golden earrings. As per usual, I put on mascara and red lipstick. I brush through my soft curls and head downstairs. I grab a banana and my sunglasses and rush out.

I get in the car and greet George, I eat my banana and fold the peel in my hand until I get out. We stop for my coffee and I'm pretty sure I moan as the warm liquid washes through my throat.

We reach the set and I walk out on the sun which covers my skin. I show the security my ID badge and they let me thru.

As I start walking across the pavement I feel people staring at me. I knew I looked good, but why the fuck were they staring?!

I desperately try to find a pair of cerulean eyes. I keep scanning the set until I do. I try to keep my walking at a steady pace but my knees shiver a bit under his gaze.

God, those were the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. He's standing with another man and a woman talking but stops and concentrates on me. Now, that's what I was going for.

I keep my gaze on his, achieving the wished effect of having his jaw drop to the ground, yet what I didn't foresee was a curve on the pavement that caused me to tumble down on my ass.

Idiot! I can't believe I just fell! I haven't fallen down like this since I was a kid. My ass and tailbone hurt like hell. I look around and everybody's just staring. Except for Chris, he somehow already made his way over to me and knelt besides me.

''You ok?'' He asked with a concerned voice.

''Yeah...'' I smile as widely as I can. He nods and holds his hands out for me take them. As I do, at the contact my stomach feels like fireworks exploded in it. What the fuck?! He helps me up and I smooth down my dress.

''You sure you're ok? That didn't look as pretty as you do.'' He raises a brow at me in question, like he didn't just compliment me in the smoothest way possible. I can't help but smile,

''Yeah I'm sure.'' I wink at him and walk away. Everything hurts but I keep on walking and swaying my hips for his benefit. Maybe this fall wasn't such a disaster after all! I make it inside and sit in my chair very carefully not to hurt myself.

Chris' POV

Is it even possible to look that good after a fall like that. I won't lie, I was a bit proud she fell cause she was looking at me, but I also felt guilty. Yet, she got up graciously as she always is and walked away.

She even swayed her hips. God her ass was amazing! I like to think that little show was for my benefit, but that's yet to be discovered. Also, she played along with my comment, that was so sexy. I can't wait to ask her out, to feel her lips against mine, her ass with my hands on it... Gather yourself Chris!

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