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It was the month of June.

Somewhere around the quiet neighborhood of Duvet Drive, a blue moving truck parked, fronting an old, empty house. Followed by a white car, a young couple stepped out to supervise the workers. Y/N and Beomgyu stood close to each other as buff men emerged into the scene, breaking the serenity of the place with their loud voices and gestures.

"That's enough, boss!"

"Open the doors, mate."

"Alright, let's unload these bad boys."


The back part of the truck rolled up. Dozens of boxes and furniture were carried out of the vehicle and into the building. Beomgyu watched them work as he blabbered to his phone.

"Yes, of course. Don't worry, I'll make sure to finish the slides tonight." He glanced to his side. "It's just a matter of sub topics left. Yep. Exactly. Y/N? Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" Y/N looked up and smiled. "Yes. Sorry, I sort of spaced out."

"I'll call you later." He murmured before ending the call. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," she lightly chuckled. "Maybe it's just the weather. I feel hot."

"There's clean water in the kitchen. Would you like me to get you a glass?"

"Yes, please."

"M'kay. Stay there, I'll be right back."

Beomgyu left a kiss on her forehead before waddling to the front door. Y/N sighed in content as she fiddled with the silver engagement ring on her finger.

Staring at their dream house, it was no more than a two-storey flat, walls painted in cobblestone gray and roof in mahogany brown. Its big windows were still covered in newspapers, frames in the shade of ocean blue. Rococo-styled lanters adorned the porch and garage. Pre-trimmed bushes arrayed the lawn as well as a bunch of petunias. It wasn't too grand nor too cheap- especially for the fact that she and Beomgyu were about to get married. They needed a suitable place to dwell in.



Y/N's eyes drooped down. By her feet, a copper token rolled and hit her shoes. Out of curiosity, she picked it up. It wasn't bigger than her thumb's fingerprint. It was neat, shiny, and had a crow etched on the surface. She frowned. Never had she seen such coin before.

"Excuse me." She called to the helpers. "Did any of you drop this?"

The men glanced at her for a brief moment before either shaking their heads or muttering a low "no". Y/N scratched her scalp.

How did it find its way to her then if none of the people around lost it?

"Y/N~!" Beomgyu sing-sang, holding a mug. "Here you go. It's a good thing they already set up the water dispenser, otherwise you might have to drink from the faucet."

"It's fine." She sipped, pocketing the token into her cardigan. "Thanks again."

"Come here."

Beomgyu pulled her close into his arms. His chin rested on her shoulder as he tiredly hummed. They have been driving for about an hour from the city proper to the suburbs. Y/N gently patted his back.

"We can leave the things as is until tomorrow." She suggested. "You need to rest. You've done a lot."

Beomgyu heavily exhaled. "Right.. I need to work for a presentation as well.. God, I'm sorry, Y/N.."

"It's alright, really. I know you're doing this for the both of us. I understand."

Beomgyu parted from her and beamed. Y/N reached out to ruffle his soft, brown locks.

"Sun's scorching, darling." He pointed up. "Let's get inside, shall we? I've had the bedroom ready incase you wish to take a nap."

Y/N nodded enthusiastically. The two marched their way in, fingers intertwined, swinging back and forth.

As they vanished from the yard, a pair of beady eyes retreated from the attic's window- the only uncovered and dusty pane there was. Somewhere up, where light barely seeped through, something awaits.


Just lurking and preying on the new guests of its territory.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗅 𝖪𝗇𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗌 𝖳𝗁𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖡𝖾𝗈𝗆𝗀𝗒𝗎Where stories live. Discover now