16 : 𝖶𝖾𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖧𝗈𝗆𝖾

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Y/N's light footsteps echoed the lonely sidewalk of her neighborhood. Evening came— the very night she's supposed to face the devil and put things to an end. Maria had given her final instructions, wishing her luck, and prepared a prayer circle on the middle of her apartment floor. As much as Y/N wanted her friend to accompany her, she knew she couldn't. She had been trying to figure out ways on how to destroy the token and kill Gyu— as planned. So, she carried a hammer she just purchased, phone bright on her other hand. If she were to be asked, Y/N felt extremely nervous. Her heart has been wildly thumping nonstop. She would swim in and out of consciousness as she often drifted from reality. Apart from that, she has been trying to reach Beomgyu through calls, however, she would unfortunately be held under a voicemail.

"Busy.." She clicked her tongue. "Busy man.. Poor darlin—"

Y/N paused on her tracks as she saw their house at the distance being well-lit. The front door was wide open, so was the garage. Her fiance's car could be seen parked near the driveway. Her eyes widened in surprise, making her run the rest of her way home.

"Beomgyu!" She called in glee, barging in. "You little sh—.. Where are you, you slick son of a b—"

"Watch your mouth!"

Beomgyu appeared from the kitchen, frowning. He had his arms crossed, body leaning against the wall. Y/N had then noticed the savory aroma of something cooking. Beomgyu made dinner? Her man chuckled, opening his arms to ask her for a hug. Oh, did he look incredibly dazzling in his shirt, lomg sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His new specs sitting on the bridge of his nose. Not to mention the fact that his bangs were swept to the side, exposing most of his forehead underneath the yellow light.

"You know, you can take a picture of me later, baby." Beomgyu playfully winked.

"Beomgyu, you f—"

Y/N threw herself to him. His licorice scent filled her senses as his strong grip held her to safety. Was this why she wasn't able to contact him the whole afternoon? This jerk took his time to secretly drive back home without her notice.

"There, there." He chuckled, kissing her forehead. "I told you, I'll be off work soon. I'm here now, Y/N."

"Didn't think it would be sooner!" She winced. "God, I thought we were getting robbed!"

"My car's literally out there, you dummy."

"I'm sorry and I missed you."

Beomgyu's eyes twinkled in delight. "You do?"



All of a sudden, the fluorescents went off. The front door slammed shut. A faint click from the outside indicated that it has been locked. Y/N panicked. Yet, Beomgyu remained holding her, not even a single reaction painted on his face.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The couple glanced to the telephone. There was a short beep before Beomgyu's voice resonated from the other line.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗅 𝖪𝗇𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗌 𝖳𝗁𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖡𝖾𝗈𝗆𝗀𝗒𝗎Where stories live. Discover now