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Knocking on what you hoped was the right door, you heard a quiet "Come in!" and braced yourself, taking a deep breath before opening the door shyly, shuffling through and smiling as best as you could. Wilbur smiled back, gentle and welcoming, sat on one side of a table, papers littered across the surface, twirling a pen nonchalantly in his hands. He gestured to the other chair, and you sat down awkwardly, fidgeting anxiously, avoiding eye contact.

"Y/N, is it?" he asked, grabbing a piece of paper, skimming over it before laughing to himself.

"Yes?" you answered, not sure whether you should be happy that he was laughing at your application or not.

"Don't sound like that," he said, grinning. "Your application was one of the best out there."

Frowning, you tried to remember if you'd put anything special in there. "Well, I only put-"

"I worked in customer service for two months, so I know how to deal with annoying pricks," he read out, and you blushed, looking at your hands in your lap, not wanting to see whatever expression he was showing. Placing down the paper, he tapped the table, making you look up to see his amused expression. "Well, you definitely caught my eye after that comment. After all, I am an annoying prick."

"I didn't think you'd see it..." you sighed. "Sorry?"

"No, no, don't be sorry-to be my personal assistant you need to tell me off for being lazy and stuff." Leaning back in his chair, he nodded to himself, as if confirming something, before clapping his hands, making you jump. "How early do you wake up?"

"Early, I guess? There's a pigeon that wakes me up every morning and now it's a routine."

This was honestly the most casual job interview you had been to. You and Wilbur were both dressed more casually, Wilbur leaning comfortably back on his chair, looking completely calm and relaxed, no people in clipboards writing down your every move-it honestly was more like you two were having a bit of a social instead. Slamming his hands down on the table, he nodded, grabbing both of your hands in his, eyes shining. "That's it, I've decided. You're hired."

"Wha-we've barely talked?"

"Can you make coffee or tea?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, but still not letting go of your hands, and you glanced at them for a second, heart thumping in your chest.


"Then that's it. Done."

Blinking, you frowned, not quite sure how to react. That must've broken a record for the fastest job interview in the world. Wilbur finally let go of your hands, and they felt abnormally cold when he moved away, mourning the loss of his touch, but you ignored the feeling, watching as he rummaged through his bag, trying to find something. Triumphantly, he brought out a set of keys, the metal clinking together, before placing them firmly in your hands, grinning at your confused expression. "Any questions?"

"Uh-" you paused, looking down the keys in your hand, reading the label that was stuck to them. "Wilbur's house and Wilbur's office?"

"As a personal assistant, you have the fun job of waking me up on time! And bossing me around while organising stuff." Leaning in, close enough that you could smell his cologne, he whispered, even though you two were literal millimetres away from each other, voice low. "I'm gonna be honest, all the other people I interviewed were way too nice to be able to handle me. You seem like you can."

Feeling oddly proud, you let the warmth of his words flow through your body, holding back a smile. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He winked at you, giving you a pat on the head. "That's what I mean. You have my full permission to be mean to wake me up, by the way."

Touching the part where he had patted, you slipped the keys into your pocket, giving him a sceptical expression, rolling your eyes when he clapped appreciatively. You must've done something that proved you could handle him again. He looked at you with soft eyes, taking all the paper that was on the table and sliding it across, right into the bin, some managing to miss and float down to the floor. Tutting, you crouched down, picking the ones that had floated close to you, holding them out to him and pointing to the other ones. "In the bin."

"And there we go. Gimme your number and we start tomorrow!" he said cheerily, ignoring the paper in your hands and instead bringing out his phone, tapping impatiently on the table.

This job was going to be a lot more difficult than you anticipated.

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