anteaters in minecraft??

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Not used to being in front of the camera rather than behind it, you avoided looking at it at all, instead staring at the table, taking deep breaths as Wilbur started up his stream. He clapped his hands, making you jump, and launched right into greeting the stream.

"So today's the stream everyone's been waiting for, I think," he said, shuffling his chair closer to you. "Minecraft with Y/N! And some irrelevant friends."

You laughed, taking one of the earphones and placing it in your ear, wincing when loud voices immediately deafened you, Tommy and Wilbur bickering as always. "What do you mean we're irrelevant?"

"Hello?" you spoke quietly, still not quite sure how to act.

"Hi, Y/N," Phil was calmer than the rest, the only person who answered your greeting-Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur were too busy competing on who could be louder. "Excuse the rest-guys, be quiet!"

There was immediate silence at his words, and you sighed in relief, laughing at Wilbur's put-out expression. You gestured for him to open up minecraft so you could actually do the stream everyone was waiting for, waiting impatiently for it to load, glancing at chat. They all seemed very excited to see it-you honestly didn't understand why. It was just you playing minecraft.

Well, you were only here because Wilbur had bought you cake in return for appearing on stream.

He joined a server, his character appearing in some random biome, the rest already waiting for him. Tommy ran over and immediately punched Wilbur. "Wassup bitch."

Wilbur handed over the mouse and keyboard, and you took them, hand trembling a little. "Hi Tommy!"

Tommy paused in his movement, before starting to punch you even more, and you ran away to Phil, crouching behind his minecraft character, hoping that he would protect you. There were several giggles at that, the loudest being Wilbur, whose hand smacked against the table as he laughed, his movement almost yanking your half of the earphones from your ears. Phil punched Tommy away, and you relaxed, looking around the place.

It was a village that had clearly been ransacked, half of the buildings and ground missing large chunks, the poor villagers wandering around in a daze, probably missing a bed or something. Tubbo was adding to the destruction, mining random blocks seemingly for no reason, the sound of stone and grass breaking surrounding you. Several mobs were scattered around, and you narrowly dodged a skeleton arrow, wondering what the hell everyone had done to this world before you arrived. There was a loud bang, and a small death message appeared in the corner.

<TommyInnit> was blown up by a creeper

Wilbur leaned into the mic so his voice was the loudest it could possibly be, smiling. "Fucking idiot."

"WILBUR SHUT UP!" Tommy yelled back, spawning back and running towards you (or Wilbur's character), punching the air. Just as you were going to run away, Wilbur placed his hand over yours on the mouse, whispering to you to just move forward, which you did, letting him take control. He spam-clicked, and you felt your face heat up a little, only then noticing how close he was to you, his face practically smushed against yours as he focused on killing Tommy. There were a few tense seconds before-

<TommyInnit> was killed by <WilburSoot>

"Are we gonna play actual minecraft or not?" you asked, turning to look at Wilbur with a quizzical expression, but he laughed at you again, finally moving his hand off yours on the mouse, sitting back down in his seat. You felt a bit cold.

"We could, if you little shits would stop causing chaos for one second," Phil sighed, holding a diamond pickaxe-wait, when had he managed to get that?

He was Philza minecraft, obviously, he had somehow gotten diamonds.

"We're not causing chaos!" Tubbo said brightly, while literally burning down another villager's house, a flint and steel in his hands.

"Wait, does anyone have black and grey wool? Oh, and brown. And red." You smiled at the camera, an idea brewing in your mind. Wilbur was not going to know what hit him.

A stack of each appeared in your inventory, and you blinked, before jumping right into building what you wanted, building some of the outline first, doing the best you could with the blocks you asked for. Wilbur frowned, leaning in closer to the screen to see what you were making, and you spotted the moment where it hit him, his face making ten different expressions, finally landing on a pained one, his head hidden in his hands. "Y/N...why?"

Giggling, you put in the eyes, stepping backwards to gaze at your marvellous creation, the glorious anteater. "Why not?"

Tommy released a sound that you wasn't sure was human, immediately getting drowned out by Phil and Tubbo's laughter, and you nodded proudly, looking at the chat.



Lol Y/N


Sghfahgfdhgasfdhgafdghasfdhg wtf

Stan Y/N

Wilbur yanked the keyboard and mouse away from you. "Enough minecraft, I think. Oh, before I forget-" He changed his stream so it only showed the camera, clasping his hands together. "No stream for a few days, because we're meeting up. By "we" I mean me, Tubbo, Tommy and Phil."

"WHAT?" you exclaimed, turning to him, mouth open. "You didn't tell me this. How am I gonna-what about my work?"

"You're coming with, duh," he said nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just dropped a huge bombshell onto you. You looked at the camera, hoping that chat at least understood your frustration, rolling your eyes.

This idiot.


As soon as stream was over, you turned to him with a scowl on your face, which was met with an uneasy smile. "And you couldn't've given me any warning about the meetup? At all?"

"Don't look so angry at me, I don't like it," he answered, fidgeting with his hands. "Slipped my mind?"

"When is it happening, then." You rubbed your temples, thinking about having to pack and prepare everything. "Gotta pack and stuff, you know?"



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