you suck at skating, wilbur

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"WE'RE AT A ROLLER RINK!" Tommy cried out, speaking to the camera. It pointed at both you and Wilbur, and you waved shyly, not quite sure what to do. "And Y/N's here! And I guess Wilbur too..."

"And me!" Tubbo jumped into view of the camera, waving excitedly. Phil merely smiled at the camera when it was aimed at him, too preoccupied with renting everyone's roller skates.

When Tommy had said he was filming a vlog, you didn't know it included you as well.

A pair of skates were handed over to you unceremoniously, and you slipped them on, waiting for Wilbur to do the same-you were honestly just following him around, since he clearly knew what to do. Hearing Tommy talk loudly about how he was a god at skating, you entered the rink, narrowly avoiding a collision with some random person, holding onto the rail.

"Can you skate, Y/N?" Phil asked, gripping onto the wall so tightly that you could only assume that he couldn't.

"Uh-I guess? I'm not a pro."

"But I am!" Tommy said, before immediately slipping and crashing to the floor, everyone laughing at him, even you, although you did try to stifle it, covering your mouth with your hand. Wilbur stumbled over to you, using the wall to push himself along, and you grimaced, scared that he would also stumble onto the ground, capturing it all on camera.

"I'm a pro at skating," he stated, acting as if was a fact.

"Then get off the wall," you retorted, grinning at him. Rolling his eyes, Wilbur forced himself off the wall, holding his arms out so he could balance, desperately looking at you for help. Just as you were about to reach out to try and support him, Tommy shoved the camera into Wilbur's face, laughing loudly and insulting his "form" while still holding onto the wall for dear life. Holding onto Wilbur's hands, you slowly pulled him away from Tommy, nodding encouragingly at Wilbur's scared face, his hands holding tightly onto yours.

"Lovebirds!" Tubbo called out, backed up by both Tommy and Phil, so you stuck out your tongue at them, trying to focus on keeping Wilbur upright.

"Can we skate a bit?" Wilbur asked, moving way too confidently for someone who literally couldn't balance, and you were a little too late at reacting, not able to stop him from slipping on air, stumbling to the ground, his hands still holding onto yours, pulling you down with him. Falling on top of him, limbs entangled with each other, you sighed, already hearing Tommy talking excitedly, clapping his hands and snickering at you.

Struggling up to your feet, you skated away, flipping Wilbur off when he called out after you, honestly wanting a little break from the camera. You had barely done anything, but you were already tired of it.

Being an influencer was clearly not for you.

Skating over to the other side of the rink, you rested against the wall, watching the rest of the people. One, in particular, caught your eye, someone who was doing tricks that you could only dream of doing, not slipping or faltering once. He caught you watching, skating over to your side with a smile. "Like my tricks?"

"Yeah-yeah, they're cool!" you answered, clapping your hands. "I could never."

"There's some simple ones I could teach you? Anyone can spin on skates, and it looks impressive." He leant against the rail, hand outstretched for you to take.

"I mean, I don't wanna fall over-"

"I'll catch you, don't worry-I know what I'm doing when it comes to skating."

You couldn't argue with that.

Something crashed to the floor next to you, or more accurately, someone. Wilbur forced himself up from the floor, grabbing your hand, which was outstretched to take the other person's hand, scowling. "I can teach them to skate."

"Wilbur, you can barely-"

"Then you teach me."

The other skater laughed awkwardly, slowly backing away back into the centre of the rink, shrugging his shoulders when you gave him an apologetic look. Frowning at Wilbur, you heard howls of laughter not far from where you were. Tommy barely holding onto the camera from how hard he was laughing, even Phil clapping his hands in delight, wiping away tears. Tubbo clutched his stomach, almost choking and you gave Wilbur a deadpan stare, wondering if it was all a bit for the vlog.

But to your surprise, he seemed just as shocked as you were, gazing at his friends with a gobsmacked expression, mouth slightly open.


"I'll teach you then, I guess?" you said, unsure of what to do.

Tommy slid over to you, handing the camera over, practically throwing it into your hands. "Yes."

"Farm awws from the audience!" Phil called out encouragingly, giving you a thumbs up.

Taking the camera, you held it, unsure of what to do, holding Wilbur's hand. He was entirely focused on reaming upright, so you decided to pay him back for before, starting to move and giggling when he let out a series of noises you weren't sure were human, wobbling on his feet. "You gotta be confident, Wilbur!" you said, feeling a tiny bit bad about scaring him like that, moving again but much slower, letting him adjust to the speed. Taking deep breaths, he rolled along, managing to stay stable, eyes widening when he didn't crash onto the floor again.

"Are you filming this?" he asked, looking at the camera. "There, now the comments can't say I'm trash."

"You are though...a little bit." You giggled at his offended expression, starting to take away your hand, Wilbur proving your point when he refused to let go, holding onto you like you were his lifeline. "See?"

"I think that's enough lovey-dovey content, we need more pog content, with me in it!" Tommy snatched the camera back, and you waved as he skated away, sighing.

"Sorry for being like that, by the way." Wilbur moved closer, sounding serious now that the camera was away. "I don't know why I acted like that."

"Neither do I, to be honest, but it's fine. Tommy seems happy about it." Suddenly laughing, you covered your mouth with your hand. "And it was funny when you fell."

"No it wasn't!"

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