ducks in a pond

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The park was completely empty because normal people would not go on a walk early on a weekday like you and Wilbur were. You took in the fresh air though, looking happily at all the flowers, dandelions and daisies growing tall next to bushes, greenery sprouting everywhere, even on the path you two were walking on.

"Pond." Wilbur started walking faster, and you trailed behind, just hoping that he didn't jump in or anything-you were a personal assistant, not a lifeguard.

A duck cried out as you got closer, and you perked up, catching up to him. What could you say, ducks were great.

They were all floating on the surface of the water, bobbing around and looking content as ducks did, sometimes diving down to eat something at the bottom of the pond, shaking their heads after, splattering water everywhere. Spotting you, some of them squawked, clearly expecting food, jumping out the water, their little flippers slapping against the ground.

"Aw, we don't have bread," Wilbur lamented, crouching down to be closer to them, making a sad face when the ducks backed away, scared of him.

You mirrored his action, smiling when they didn't run away from you. "Maybe next time." More ducks jumped up to the surface, waddling over to you, their heads tilting when you gave them a shy wave, beaks snapping into the air. "Sorry ducks, we don't have food." They didn't seem to care, moving even closer to you, and you melted, seeing their wide eyes blinking innocently up at you, their wings looking so fluffy that you wanted to stroke them. "Look, they like me!" you said, looking up at Wilbur, who didn't have a swarm of ducks around him, looking quite put out. He gave you a small smile, opening his mouth to say something, when a duck quacked loudly, drowning out anything he had to say.

Giggling, you clapped your hands lightly, not wanting to scare the ducks.

"Don't laugh," Wilbur grumbled, but you could see the corners of his lips turning up as he looked at you, his offended expression turning soft. "Well, the ducks clearly like you."

"Because they know I'm not lazy," you retorted, watching as the ducks slowly started to walk away, clearly coming to terms with the fact you had nothing to give them. Stretching your arms, you stood up, waiting for Wilbur to do the same. "Now, let's go. You should've woken up by now."

Starting to walk away, you heard him hurry to catch up to you, picking a flower off the ground before walking next to you. He handed it over, and you took the tulip gratefully, twirling it in your hands.

(A/N-short chapter today lmao but ducks <3)

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