in a daydream

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Frowning, you tried to go back to sleep, feeling too comfortable to wake up, even though you probably had to wake up to do your job. You sighed, opening your eyes slowly, blinking when all you could see was dark fabric, rather than the hotel room.


Leaning back, you gulped nervously, seeing that Wilbur was still holding onto you, albeit looser than before, still fast asleep. You two had really cuddled all night.

Panicking, you extracted yourself carefully out of his arms, placing the cover over him and tiptoeing away to the bathroom, closing the door behind you before sliding down to the floor, head in your hands. "What the fuck..." you breathed out, trying not to panic. There was sleeping on a train cuddled up to each other, and then there was sleeping in a bed cuddled up to each other-one was very clearly more...a relationship sort of thing.

He was your employer for god's sake.

Well, he was asleep and didn't know, so if you just pretended like nothing happened, it would be fine.

Standing up shakily, you stumbled over to the mirror, picking up your toothbrush in a complete daze, almost putting soap on it instead of toothpaste. The only thing you could really think about was how surprisingly comfy Wilbur was, the way he held onto you tightly comforting in a way you couldn't explain. It just felt right.

Blushing, you started to brush your teeth, trying to ignore the blush on your face.

By the time you were ready, Wilbur had just stumbled out of bed, confused as to why he was in your bed and not his, and you stammered out a random excuse, saying that you had slept in his instead, hoping that you weren't too obvious. He seemed to believe it, going into the bathroom with a sleepy nod, leaving you plenty of time to panic even more.

Focusing your attention on something else, you used the hotel kettle to make him some coffee, adding one sugar, just how he liked it. You stirred it absentmindedly, gently rubbing your mouth with your thumb, thinking about when you had kissed him on the cheek. His skin had been soft against your lips, much nicer than you could've imagined.

Why did you even do that anyway?

You could've just left him to struggle in his dream, maybe let him wake up so you could explain everything and let him go back to his own bed. You could've, but you didn't.

That might have been a bit of an impulsive decision.

There was a soft tap against your head, and you jumped, trying not to spill Wilbur's coffee, looking up to see him smiling down at you. "Daydreaming?"


"Thanks for the coffee," he said, taking it from you and gulping it down, grimacing a little. "Wow, this hotel coffee is awful."

"N-no problem."

"You're a bit...dazed-are you ok? Do you need to rest more?" he leant in, looking concerned, and you practically jumped out of your seat, hoping that you weren't blushing.

"Nope! I'm completely fine!"

"If you say so..." He set down his cup, stretching his arms. "Well, let's go then."

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