i would never date you

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Blinking, you forced your eyes open, looking around you. The sun shone in from the window, hitting you directly, making you feel nice and warm, your (or more correctly, Wilbur's) pyjamas starting to fall off your shoulder. You looked down, eyes widening at the sight.

Wilbur, instead of sleeping on the bed next to you, or on the sofa, was still sat in the chair, head resting against the mattress, his hand reaching out for you, fingertips barely ghosting against your hands. You smiled to yourself, the idea that he did that for you warming your heart, and you stroked his hair tenderly, mirroring what he had done for you before. His hair was soft.

You felt a lot better as well, everything still slightly sore but the fog in your mind had cleared, thankfully.

Wilbur stirred, sleepily looking up at you, before taking your hand in his, sitting up. "Good morning," he yawned, checking your temperature again, comparing it to his own. "You seem better. Go home and rest. You can take today off."

Watching him stand up, you looked around for our clothes. "Oh, Wilbur? How was the charity stream?"

"I cancelled."

You paused, wondering if you had heard him right. "What."

"I cancelled. Got someone to replace me."

"You can't just do that...right?" you said, completely in awe. Who did that?

Shrugging his shoulders, he left the room, ignoring your question completely and leaving you to get dressed, stumbling around the room to find your socks, coughing a little after moving around so much. You stepped out of the room, spotting your bag on the table, everything neatly put away (probably Wilbur's doing), and you picked it up, wondering if he was going to come wave goodbye or something. That would be nice.

He poked his head out from his streaming room, looking distracted. "I have to stream, but get home safe! L-see you!"

Waving, you sighed when the door slammed shut behind him, gripping the straps of your bag tightly.

That shouldn't have hurt you so much.


Wrapping blankets around your body, you snuggled into them, getting ready to tune into Wilbur's stream-you would usually be there, but watching would be a nice change of pace, right?

With that mindset, you logged onto twitch, seeing that Wilbur was still streaming and clicking onto it, smiling when it loaded, seeing that he was laughing at something chat had sent in, clutching his stomach at whatever it was. You noticed that he wasn't looking at the camera though, eyes fixated behind the camera, the grin fading from his face.

It was probably your imagination, since when you looked properly, he was back to normal, smacking his hand against the table while laughing.

A donation noise rang out, the text-to-speech lady talking soon after.

Are you and Y/N dating? Serious question.

You raised your eyebrows, waiting for his response, watching his every move carefully. Sighing, he leant onto the table with his elbows, a stern expression on his face, looking somewhat disappointed. "Please stop asking this-I would never date someone like Y/N."

Everything seemed to freeze at that moment, and you didn't even register what else he said, the words "someone like Y/N" revolving around your head, reminding you over and over that you just weren't good enough. Closing the twitch app without hesitating, you threw your phone across the room, not caring when it whacked loudly against the wall, pulling the blankets closer and closer to you, trying to smother yourself to ignore the nauseating feeling in your stomach. It felt like there was a creature inside, trying to eat you, causing as much pain as they could, ripping your heart into pieces.

Why did it hurt so much?

You hadn't...caught feelings, had you? Turning your attention to your bedside table, which had your keys on it, the teddy bear keyring Wilbur had gotten you attached to it, you felt another twist of your heart, having to curl in on yourself to get rid of the feeling.

Oh, you definitely had. He had just flat-out rejected you, and he didn't even know.

So everything he had done-the train ride, the fucking hotel room incident, the train ride back, taking care of you when you were ill-was for nothing? Had you just taken everything massively out of proportion?

Curling into yourself, you closed your eyes, not even sure if you could cry at this point. It felt like Wilbur had just punched you solidly through the stomach, leaving you winded, but completely numb as well, a dull emptiness flowing through your blood.

It would hit later, you already knew.

"I'm tired," you mumbled to yourself, flopping down onto the bed and letting yourself sleep, reaching out for the teddy bear keyring just before you did.

(A/N-almost forgot to update again lmao oopsies)

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