some common sense, at last

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Wilbur was worried. For good reason.

You had been acting...weird all day.

Firstly, you woke him up as usual, with his coffee, but without even a trace of a smile, slamming down the cup on the bedside table and keeping your distance, not the usual jokes he was used to in the morning. You even refused to smack him on the head when he didn't wake up, instead slamming the door behind you. He had been left confused and alone.

Secondly, his coffee was wrong. He knew that you knew what he liked-no milk and one sugar. You had made it millions of times before. But this time, he had taken one sip and grimaced, the coffee way too sweet to even be considered coffee, and he honestly wondered if you had put the whole bag in there.

Thirdly, you were too silent. He had left the room with an empty coffee mug (he had somehow forced it down, eager to not upset you even more), seeing you working at the table like usual, and ready to try and cheer you up. Nothing worked. He tried everything, making jokes, talking about events, talking about his friends, trying to distract you from work, waving his matching keyring around (that one got a particularly angry scowl from you), offering snacks-for god's sake, he even tried talking about anteaters, which was something he detested. And still, absolutely nothing, just cool apathy aimed towards him.

Fourthly, and this was the one that had hurt him the most, you were silent during stream as well. Usually, you'd offer a bit of fun commentary, maybe laugh at his jokes every now and then; his viewers loved it as well, but it was always his favourite thing to see or hear. But this time, you didn't even look in his direction, focusing on either your phone or laptop, and he found himself always looking at you to try and get some kind of response, feeling his heart sink when he still got nothing back. It hurt, and his viewers noticed, so he ended stream early, managing to keep the smile plastered on until the camera was off.

And finally, you left very, very early. As soon as stream was over, you jumped to your feet, starting to pack everything away, and before he could even open his mouth to start asking about your behaviour, you were out the door with a quick "Bye." You didn't even wave goodbye. You normally stayed behind a bit to chat just about random stuff, and he found the lack of that conversation left him feeling a bit cold.

What had he done wrong? Or were you just being weird or something?

The discord ringtone rang out, and he sighed, answering it. "Hello?"

"The fuck was up with you during stream?" Phil asked, backed up by Tommy who was in the background.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," was his answer, and he was tempted to unplug everything and sleep. And drink vodka. And maybe cry.

"Don't bullshit me like that," Phil retorted, and he could just imagine the stern look on his face, arms crossed in true parent fashion. He really couldn't escape this, huh?

"Come on then, tell us!" Tommy demanded.

He leant back in his seat, taking a deep breath. "Y/N was being weird. Ignored me pretty much all day."

"What have you done?"

He raised an eyebrow, slightly irked by the fact Phil immediately assumed he had done something wrong, but he calmed down, realising that it wasn't a weird assumption to make. "Nothing!"

"Yeah, right," Tommy said. "You must've said something."

"I swear I didn't..."

"Wait-" Phil started to type in his keyboard, before presumably hitting the jackpot, snapping his fingers. "Yesterday's stream. It trended on twitter, remember?"

"Oh, because I said..." Wilbur's voice faded out as the realisation hit him, immediately facepalming. "I'm an idiot."

"Yeah, you are!" Tommy answered back, somehow laughing in the situation, albeit awkwardly. "Well done, idiot." He clapped his hands, and Wilbur felt himself sink back into his seat, a wave of shame washing over and drowning him, making it slightly difficult to breathe, having to take deep breaths. He couldn't even get mad at Tommy because he was right-Wilbur had been an idiot. It was stupid of him to assume that you wouldn't see his awful response to the donation. He had panicked, scared that his fans might attack you again, even though he was literally head over heels for you; everyone could see that, except you apparently. Wait-

"Why is-why is Y/N even upset about that? They don't like me?"

There was a pause, before both Tommy and Phil erupted into laughter, leaving him feeling very confused. "You must be blind," Phil said between giggles, starting to choke from how hard he was laughing. "Both of you must be completely blind."

"You're like little lovebirds," Tommy said daintily, clearly poking fun at him.

"Are you, that can't be right." Wilbur felt his brain physically hurt while trying to think, thousands of thoughts all running through his head at once, ninety percent of them to do with you.

"Yes, yes we are saying. They like you, and you're so blind!" Phil exclaimed, starting to sound frustrated. "Fucking confess already!"

Gulping nervously, he felt his hands start to shake, wanting to go back into bed and hide away until the feeling disappeared. You...couldn't like him, right? No matter how hard he tried to hide it, however, he couldn't help but start to feel excitement spread throughout his body, wanting to run over to your house and burst through the door, confessing his love as loudly as he could, watching as you ran into his arms and-

"How?" he spat out, realising what he could do. "How? Do I use something dramatic? Do you think Y/N likes hot-air balloons? I could rent one and fly it over, that'll work-"

"Pause right there. Nope, "Phil interrupted him, crushing his dreams of flying a hot air balloon.

"Jesus, Wilbur, you gotta be suave," Tommy said, acting like he had any idea of what romance was like. Wilbur rolled his eyes, ignoring him.

"Then what do I use?"

"Flowers?" Phil suggested, sounding like he was losing his sanity again. "Like normal people. Flowers are nice. Just text them and arrange a time so you can confess so we can be done with hearing you talk about how much you love them all the time!"

Wilbur paused. "Do I really do that?"




"It's fine now, go be lovebirds with Y/N." Phil laughed softly, sounding affectionate rather than annoyed. "Good luck."

"YEAH! Good luck, big man!"

(A/N-uploaded on time today let's go :D tomorrow's upload will be the last I'm afraid)

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