you fucking idiot <3

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You took one last look at your phone, wondering if you should just turn back and go home, forget that Wilbur had ever sent you that text. Everything still hurt from his rejection, and his text had been like rubbing salt in the wound.

It was just a reminder that he was leading you on, like a dog on a lead.

And yet, you put the phone away, stepping onto the beach where he said he would be waiting, clenching your fists tightly to prepare yourself. You could see him standing against the wall, holding something in his hands.

As you moved closer, you realised it was flowers, a beautiful bouquet wrapped in pastel paper, the most gorgeous flowers contained within, colours blooming brightly. It hurt your heart to look at since you knew it wasn't for you. What had he called you out for? Romantic advice? Advice to get with someone else?

He smiled when he spotted you, and you walked faster, wanting to get this over with. "Wilbur."

"Y/N." He took a deep breath, as if preparing himself, before holding the bouquet out. "For you. Take it."

It was unceremoniously thrown into your hands, and you blinked at it, before noticing a small folded piece of paper tucked in between some petals, and when you looked at Wilbur, he just pointed at it. You took the paper out, holding the bouquet in one hand as you unfolded it with another.

Dear Y/N,

I'm horrible at using my words, so I thought writing would be better. I'm so sorry about what I said on stream, I panicked and thought being rude about you would prevent any hate towards you, but instead, I just hurt your feelings instead.

The reason why I panicked though, is because I'm pretty sure I love you. It may be too early to know completely, but I have never wanted to spend more time with someone other than you.

From the first day I met you, I knew you were something special, and you proved it time and time again. Y/N, you are the best person I have ever met, and I want to spend my life with you.

I know you're mad, and I'm not expecting forgiveness, but if anything, accept my confession and I'll be happy.

Forever yours,


Tears were rolling down your face before you realised, and you sniffed, folding the paper back up and letting out a choked sob. "Wilbur, you fucking idiot. Why didn't you say?"

"Because I didn't know!" He stepped forward, hesitating before wiping away your tears gently, smiling fondly down at you. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes, yes, one thousand times yes!" Feeling bold, you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling your lips in for a kiss, feeling at complete peace when your lips met-at that moment, all that mattered was him, the rest of the world fading out as you pulled him closer, the bouquet starting to get crushed in between you. You pulled back, taking deep breaths. "You are still an idiot."

"I know. But we have all the time in the world to fix that, right?" Kissing you on the cheek, he gave you the sappiest smile you had ever seen on his face. "Oh, and the hotel bed incident? I did that on purpose."


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