sleepy train rides

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Yawning, you rubbed your eyes a bit, aware of the fact you had both woken up and arrived way too early. Maybe waking up at five was a bit excessive when you were catching a train at nine, but you got too nervous and woke yourself up, sleepily checking your bag over and over.

At least you had the time to grab both you and Wilbur meal deals.

You had to thank him for booking everything for you, and a meal deal was a perfect payment!

Footsteps approached you from behind, and you spun around, smiling up at a panting Wilbur, who had clearly run over to meet you. "And I thought I would get here before you," he sighed out, holding out your ticket, which you took gratefully.

"I wake up earlier than you, that's my thing," you answered back, handing over the bag with his meal deal in. "And I got lunch."

"You are a lifesaver Y/N, you really are." He held the bag like it was fragile, looking inside and grinning-it was his favourite, you made sure of that.

The train was relatively empty, some businessmen typing furiously scattered across the carriages as you searched around for your seat, settling in and letting Wilbur put your bags on the overhead shelf. It was easier for him to reach anyway. Yawning, your eyes widened when your stomach rumbled, your body asking for breakfast since you had been too nervous to eat anything.

Wilbur laughed, shaking his head, before bringing out a croissant from god knows where, wrapped carefully in a paper bag. "Can't have my assistant go hungry, can I?"

"You just carry croissants around?" you asked, taking a bite and relishing in the soft, buttery flakiness of it, the corners of your lips starting to tug upwards, curving into a smile. Even if he did randomly have croissants, they were good.

"I just thought-well, I thought you'd want one, ok?"

Taking another bite, you nodded appreciatively, trying to let him know without words that you were very much enjoying it, and that you were thankful for the food. He got the message, relaxing back into the seat as best as he could, fidgeting a little since the seats felt like they were made of pure rock, the head cushion barely supporting anything. You finished the croissant, crumpling up the paper and shoving it into your bag, dusting your hands off.

"You excited?" Wilbur asked, seeing how your hands were still trembling a little.

"Uh...nervous," you answered honestly, avoiding eye contact. "I don't know what they're like. I only played minecraft with your friends for like two hours."

"Oh, they're just weirdos, don't worry about them. They might be a bit...well, they might ask weird questions, but ignore that."

Nodding, you brought out your phone and earphones, intent on listening to music to pass the time, stifling another yawn as you untied the absolute mess your earphones had become. The announcement for complimentary drinks started to play, and you started to untie them even faster, not wanting a robotic voice to be your background noise for the trip, fumbling a few times. Finally, they loosened up, and you sighed in relief, placing one in your ear so you could block out everyone else.

Wilbur tapped you on the shoulder, shyly, an unreadable expression on his face. "Y/N?"


"Can I listen to your music too? Just-just cause?"

"To judge me or something?" you raised an eyebrow, but handed over one of your earphones anyway, holding back a laugh when he visibly sighed in relief, the slight panic in his eyes fading. Turning back to your phone, you opened your playlist, suddenly nervous, holding your finger above the play button, too scared to actually press it. Your comment before had been a joke, but it started to infect your brain, the fear that he would actually judge your music actually starting to concern you.

Why should you care? It was your music.

But it did matter to you, for some reason-the idea of him secretly hating your music was...a bit upsetting. A tiny bit. Only a tiny bit.

The train rumbled over the tracks, making the carriages wobble from side to side a little, causing you to jolt forward, clicking the play button way before you had managed to prepare yourself. Freezing, you pretended that everything was fine and that you definitely weren't panicking internally, leaning back in your seat, wiping your hands discreetly on your clothes, trying to get rid of the sweat.

At least it was a good song that was playing.

Glancing over to see his reaction, you felt a weight come off your shoulders when you saw the small smile on his face, eyes closed as he listened to the music. You mirrored his position, letting your tired eyes close, the slight swaying of the train soothing-like you were being rocked from side to side. Completely exhausted, you felt yourself start to doze off, everything fading out, the real world being replaced by dreams.

You were asleep within seconds.


A weight fell against Wilbur's shoulders, and he jumped, opening his eyes and looking at whatever had fallen on him. To his surprise, you were fast asleep, breathing slowly and nuzzling a little into him, smiling at something in your dream.

Gulping nervously, he reached out with his arm, tentatively pulling you closer, freezing when you mumbled a little in your sleep. You didn't wake up, so he took the risk and pulled you even closer, sighing in relief when he was satisfied, patting your head gently. Keeping his arm around you, he leant his head on top of yours, closing his eyes, enjoying your silent company.

His eyes were heavy, tired from waking up way earlier than he usually did (and you had still gotten there before him, so it honestly felt like a waste of time), so he was lulled to sleep quickly, somehow pulling you even closer, the song you had chosen playing in his dreams.

You two were just in your own little world.

(A/N-double upload again cause I feel bad publishing just a short chapter lmao)

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