𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑰

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"Okay, good bye now bub." Ryujin smiles from the line. "Bye bye Ryu, until next time, okay~" Sooyeon grins from the camera.

Ryujin hums happily, her feet across the air dancing. "Yes, I guess we deserve a time for ourselves."

Sooyeon grimaces. "Finals are starting though. As I finish with this let us date with Heejin."

"Of course!"

"Okay, bye for real, Jinnie."


The video call ends, Ryujin readjusts the glasses on the bridge of her nose and went on with her other social media account.

"Ain't you looking dashing there, baby~" Lia hugs from behind. She then pulls her toward the vanity mirror. "Take a picture of us?" Lia sweetly smiles.

Ryujin cannot turn it down so she did what she was told.

"Imma be preparing our snacks downstairs." Lia says.

"Okay, I will then be there after you're done." She fondles the other's chin.

Lia beams, grabbing both Ryujin's cheeks and pecks her lips before she went downstairs.

Ryujin went for an hour or so just browsing on YouTube watching funny video clips and browsing on movies to watch when suddenly, she feels thin arms snaking around her torso. She knows who it is already based on the scent.

"Hi, Ryu~"

"Oh, Yeji-unnie! What's up?" Ryujin pats her palm.

Yeji smiles. "Snacks are served downstairs. Let us go try it. Lia made some."

The loud sound from the door flit both their attention to it.

A deadpanned Lia welcoming their sight. When she took a glance at Ryujin she slightly softens, "Jinnie, let's eat?"

Lia walks up to them, grabbing Ryujin's waist to lift her up. Walking together, Yeji js in between them but Lia took a hold of Ryujin's hand from behind.

"We might as well try to win this one, unnie, or else I won't really pick you anymore as a partner!" From the kitchen, Yuna says as she and Chaeryeong inflate balloons with water.

"That is pretty tensing, Yuna." Charyeong rolls her eyes.

"Can't blame me," the younger puts a hand over her chest, "I am more practical than I think I could ever imagine." She giggles.

"Now, where are the luscious mango tarts this lady made?" Ryujin rubs both her hands manically.

Lia puts out a tray of yellow-filled tarts placing it on the counter. The smells it emits made Ryujin hungrier.

She and the Yeji began eating the pastry. In the end, Ryujin loved the food. She even said that Lia should make some more in the future. "..And let mom and dad taste it. Maybe Byul and Dal can have a taste of some of it too."

Lia blushes intensely, unconsciously slapping the other's arm.

"Oi, are you all finished eating?" Yuna calls from the living room. She is holding huge plastic bags full of water balloons.

Chaeryeong is giggling along as she look at the other three.

Ryujin speeds up her eating and wipes little crumbs across her lips.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Ah! Lia-unnie you can't be serious with it! I have just stepped in!"

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