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Is it strange to see two girls together of the same group?

This, by far, is the most heard sentence to Ryujin and Lia. Two girls that fell in love--a first time in history in the Korean idol industry.

Everything just blended in with the envy, hate, discrimination, judgments, appraisal, cheers, and the proud. For the couple, nothing really mattered especially of the negative reactions.

"Ryujin, the celeb life on its first tracks were too strangling. No one even dared mention of their relationships. Espexially of the same sexes. Because you know what'll happen if that time comes." Hyunae said.

Ryujin smiles. "That time will change. I will make the lead."

It is Choi Jisu that caused all of Ryujin's risk-takings and of being strong (it is what makes Lia her pillar of strength). Days and weeks and months pass, their bond came stronger and tighter, their love burned more passionately.

Before the cameras where Ryujin and Lia are seated beside each others, they fought the prickle of nervous inside them. Ryujin's lip-biting is preeminent, well, either way, it's a coping mechanism itself.

It helps relieve the pressure.

Interviews are not what they have expected it to be. It is more tensing!

Ryujin takes a last good glance at Lia, eyes shimmering from the bright lights. A beam escapes her lips before the director shouts a "Start!"

It is going well later that interview. Ryujin and Lia's nervousness dies down little by little. Light topics that rose (that doesn't talk about both of them) eased the tension.

Not long after that did both the young girls know, is now the time to unveil something.

The host, Kim Minji, asks both of them, "Lia and Ryujin, I think it is the perfect chance for you to reveal one thing special about your relationship with each other."

The warm smile Minji gives is nor enough to eliminate all the hanging threads of silent panic attacks Ryujin has. She almost bit her lip.

Lia looks over the blond. Her long masscara making her eyes rounder and evident. Under the lights, Lia's makeup shimmers around her cheekbones and contour.

Won't you speak for the both of us?

Lia mentally tells her.

And Ryujin sure did. Without further redo, she faced the camera with a racing heart and a smile on her face.

Millions of South Koreans, and even internationally, are watching behind the screen. Ryujin's next six big words finally slips. She doesn't know how the world would react to this, but she doesn't mind at all now.

Deep breaths.

This is it, isn't it?

The world must know. Or not. Lia is too precious not to shout out to the whole world how I love her so much. She deserves it.

Ryujin thought of going to the top of a mountain and shout "I love you, Lia!" on top of her lungs.

This is another version of it. Not literally speaking but it can be it. Shouting to the world and letting it know how Lia is to her.

One last look of Lia's heartwarming smile before Ryujin uncowardly speaks behind the mic,

"Choi Jisu and I are dating."

。☆✼★━━━━The End ━━━━★✼☆。

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