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☆꧁ 17 ꧂☆


Warning: Minor foul words ahead.


The grades in the major subjects of Sooyeon were high as expected in the first half of the semester. What made Sooyeon washed in disappointment is how one time her grades drop in one quiz, she had luckily retrieved the streak but, as if fate is playing on her, her grades went low again when she took another result from today's week.

She is holding her test result in Introduction to Psychology. She folds it briskly in quarters, she can't afford to even take a glance of it.

The teacher has dismissed them already after the bell rang. Some of her classmates rush outside, others group from their circle and talk about the results.

A brown haired girl with a blue ribbon clipped on her hair scoots closer to her. It is her close friend, Eunjung. A beam stretches on her pale face, the same test result is in her hands.

"Sooyeon! I'm so happy I have actually progressed! My grades are getting higher at least three points every time we take a test!" She jumps, waving the paper high.

Sooyeon feigns in a chuckle, "Good for you. I'm actually quite disappointed for my grades today." She zips her bag once she's put the paper in.

Eunjung tilts her head, "Don't you study every single day, even if we don't have any quiz?"

"You are so practical for a first year, you could have grades that are monstrous than all of us...well, except for Chunhei."

Chunhei is their classmate known to be the top of the class ever since middle school, and even in the entire batch. Sooyeon has been also part of the top five in every class she had, and it's no wonder her study sessions always pay off not until it reached to this situation.

"What did you get today?"

"A B-."

Sooyeon feels like there is no existence of firmament at this point. If there could be any of a place she could be at as of the moment, she could tell she is in a dry, cruel land.

"Oh, what a ratio you got there." Eunjung scowls. This didn't help Sooyeon to ease her turmoil as she wears the strap of her bag, ready to walk pass the shorter girl.

"Let's go to the canteen together." Eunjung suggests.

"I might want to be alone today. I'd just head to the library first since I have a book to borrow. See you later." Sooyeon's shoulder brushes on hers.

Eunjung turns herself to the black haired girl, walking in a slow, relaxed pace before her.

Inside the vast library, Sooyeon pushes the glass door, cold air welcomes her skin. Students were passing by here and there, with a book in their hands. The tables were occupied to almost any part she could scan.

Hallym University is not just known for academic excellence, but also for the structure of the campus. Every building is just overwhelming in sight. If the exterior of the library is a compliment of contemporary hone of a design, the interior screams more of its luxury and comfortable style for the students. Students of all departments loved going inside as the place is always packed with students.

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