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☆꧁ 26 ꧂☆

May 2020

11th of May, seven in the evening.

Ryujin and Yuna were the ones who went home early. At the time they react the dorm, Ryujin went to the room where she would always film herself during lives. Hyunae told and reminded her to go live.

It has been so long ever since the girls went live, and Ryujin most especially missed Midzy's interacting with her though the comments. She can't wait to meet them again.

She immediately changes into her comfortable clothes, picking a long sleeved shirt and sweat pants.

A sudden thought flowed in her mind and before she knew it, she is scrambling across the floor to the doorway.


"Yes?" A voice emerges from downstairs.

Yuna is getting an ice cold drink from the refrigerator when she sees Ryujin once she turned around. "What is it, unnie?"

Ryujin puts an index on her chin, thinking. "What do you think is a good thing to do in a live for Midzy?"

"I don't know. You can do any of what your hobbies are. Like playing the guitar or draw or something." Yuna takes a swig of the grape soda. The moderately rich fruit flavor welcoming her taste buds.

Ryujin's eyes roll, trying to find for something that she might want to do. After a series of a mini debate in her head, an idea popped in her mind. She flicks her fingers turns around and climbs the stairs. Yuna stared at the girl.

"I got it."

"What would you do?" Yuna calls, suddenly curious.

Ryujin smirks. "Baking cookies."

"How are you gonna bake? Aren't you going to get equipment here?" Yuna asks.

"Oh, right!" Ryujin scratched her hair, leaping towards the kitchen. "Almost forgot!"

"No, you forgot."

"Alright, maknae." Ryujin chuckles, holding her hands up. She went to get tools, as minimal as she could. After that, she went upstairs to finally set the camera.

Ryujin glances down at her phone's screen, looking at the time.

"Oookay, let's get you started."


An hour after the Vlive, Ryujin finally bid her good bye, she presses the stop button of the video camera. With a loud sigh, she stands up and stretches her legs and neck and torso.

Suddenly, she hears a series of muffled laughters behind the door. Her eyes cast upon it, that was sooner pushed open by Yuna and Chaeryeong--big smiles shown on their faces. Ryujin was quite bemused as to why they were acting like that, but when her gaze trailed to Yuna's phone, she sees the typical Vlive of a broadcast-ended screen. Which was hers.

A snort escapes Ryujin's lips. "You sneaky girls. You were watching my live? How long?"

This time, Yuna and Chaeryeong just laughed harder. Ryujin was extremely puzzled.

"Yah!" "Why are you laughing?"

Yuna wipes the tears brimming on the sides of her eyes. "Oh my gosh...why did you-"

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