000 Spirit Forms

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A young girl about the age of ten ran through the long corridors of the Mare Castle. Her long hair flew behind her gracefully as giggles escaped her small form. She took a left turn and hid behind a large pillar. She waited silently for him, a smile on her lips as she suppressed a giggle from coming out.

A frown appeared on her face when she realized how long it was taking him to find her. He was right behind her when she hid behind the pillar. She carefully turned her head and slowly peeked out from behind the large white stone. She frowned more when she realized there was no one there.

"Thomas?" She whispered, her voice small and somewhat frightened. "Thomas where are you?" No response.

She peered around the corner she had turned from only moments ago, hoping to see if said boy was still there. Maybe he had just gotten lost?

"Thomasss!" She yelled when she turned another corner and didn't see him. "I'm gonna get Minho and Newt to beat you up if you don't come out!"

The only sound that could be heard was her small footsteps padding on the stone of the hall and her own voice echoing back to her.

"BOO!" Thomas shouted as he grabbed her shoulders from behind and clutched onto them lightly. His loud laughs echoed through the corridors as he bent over and clutched his stomach from how much he was laughing.

"Ha ha, very funny Thomas." Y/n said as she pushed his shoulder and walked past him. The two had been friends for years; ever since their parents decided it was time for them to get to know each other.

"Oh, don't pout little bird. I was only joking." The young boy said as he recovered from his fit of laughter. He placed his hand on her shoulder and led her to one of the balconies.

"I hate when you call me that." Y/n said under her breath as they stared at the vast amount of trees that littered the grounds of the Mare Kingdom. From up high it looked absolutely ethereal - birds flew in the sky freely and deer pranced around joyfully. It was beautiful.

"We'll be married some day, Y/n." Thomas said as they continued to look at the scenery. "And this will be ours."

"What if I don't want to marry you?" She asked him. She wasn't trying to be mean, she just genuinely wanted to know. Their marriage was being forced upon them by their parents just so they could unite their kingdoms and form a stronger alliance.

"Then that's okay." He said to her, his hand holding hers as he spoke. He was always so tender with her - sure, he was just a kid but he always knew what to say.

There was a small passing of silence as they looked down at the courtyard below them. There, in the middle wrestling was Newt and Minho in their spirit forms; a medium sized dragon and a small wolf. They were beautiful - a mix of blacks, greys, whites and golds blurred together as they rolled around in a play fight.

Thomas and Y/n laughed from above as they observed their friends having fun. "Shall we join them?" Thomas asked her as their giggles continued. "I think we shall." The two kids looked at one another and smiled brightly.

"Meet you down there?"
"Race you down there."
"You're on."

A poofing sounded and a couple feathers fell to the ground, a small sized raven flapped in the air as it flew around Thomas and then flew over to the balcony's edge and down to the courtyard.

Thomas watched with a smile and then he began crouching down. A brilliant blue light shinned and when it dimmed down, a small stag with slightly large antlers appeared and took off down the nearest stairs. It's coat was thick and shiny to the point where it looked as if it were glowing. Blue swirls imprinted into the white fur made it stand out even more along with its bright blue eyes.

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now