002 The Cut That Always Bleeds

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A tear rolled down her cheek as she stood up from the tall golden throne. Her eyes held no emotion and her voice was void of sadness - only anger. She didn't love him, she hardly even liked him. So, why on earth was she marrying him? Oh, that's right. Her father was a fool and thought she needed to be married in order to rule her own kingdom.

"This marriage is nothing more than a political alliance!" He shouted at her as he climbed up the steps that lead to the throne where she stood. Her eyes fueled with hatred as he walked closer and closer to her.

"I know that, you make it clear every day Elyas!" Y/n yelled, taking another step forward so that way she was on the top step and he stayed on the third one below her.

"Know your place." She warned.

Elyas put his hands up in surrender and took a few more steps down, his posture still held that stupid cockiness that made Y/n want to throw him off a cliff. They had been at each others throats all evening and it made the headache she had been nursing all day, grow even more.

Fed up with him and everything else that had been going on with the preparations of the festival, Y/n started to walk away from him.

"Where are you going?" Elyas asked as she walked past him and headed for the throne rooms exit. "Somewhere far from you." She replied back to him in a cold tone.

She pushed the heavy doors open and slipped through them. The spring air breezed past her as she took in a deep breath. The sun had started to slowly descend, making beautiful pinks, purples and yellows paint the sky.

She sighed at the sight and walked over to the fountain that stood in the middle of the garden, the stone was slightly chipped and cracked at the edges yet it remained absolutely beautiful in her eyes.

There was a time in Y/n's life when she actually wanted to be married to someone and share her kingdom with them. A time where marriage was more than just 'a political alliance', a time where it meant something.

She thought of Thomas often, so often that the man held a permanent residence in her brain.

Newt and Minho visited her occasionally with news about how their lives were going and how Thomas had been. According to them, Thomas finally learned how to use his Stomp Ability; where Thomas would transform into his Spirit Form and stomp so harshly on the ground that it would shake the earth beneath him. Y/n had read about it when she was trying to learn about the different spirit forms and what they could do.

It was safe to say that Y/n missed the brunette boy with constellation like moles on his skin. She missed their conversations about anything and everything, and she missed his smile, the smile that could make her day better in seconds.

She'd tried to write to him when she reached her teen years but all the letters were returned to her by her angered father. He told her that if she were to write him again, he'd burn every little trinket the boy had given her in their small time of being together.

A shiver ran up her spine as she sat there. Eyes. She felt eyes on her.

Y/n turned to inspect around her but she saw nothing looking back at her. It was odd, what was even odder was that it had been happening a lot. The Raven girl would either feel eyes on her or she'd see a herd of deer run past her in a hurry as if it had been caught doing something wrong.

"If you're hiding in the bushes from me Thomas, I'm going to get Minho and Newt to beat you up." She whispered into the spring air as she walked around the fountain, eyes inspecting the small bushes around her.

A twinge of excitement and hope ran through her veins as she peered around a bush, her excitement dimming ever so slightly when nothing appeared behind it.

"Who is Thomas?"

Y/n jumped at the sudden presence of another person. How long had they been there? She turned quickly to see Elyas standing by one of the rose bushes, her heart sank for she had thought it was Thomas. How could she have been so foolish as to believe he would be there.

"It's . . . no one." She said to him and took a seat on the fountains edge. "Why are you here, Elyas?" Her tone was laced with coldness and boredom.

"Your father wishes to speak to you in the throne room. He says it's important." Said Elyas, his tone the same.

Y/n stared at the man and nodded her head, the action silent as she walked past him and to the throne room; her head still hurt from the headache. Her heart raced as she approached the giant metal doors.

What did he wish to speak to her about?

The doors before her opened and she walked down the somewhat long red carpeted pathway that led straight to the throne. She bowed in front of her father and stood up when he told her to.

"What do you wish to speak about father?" She asked him. Her voice was small yet it still held its authority.

"I fear I have horrible news." He bellowed. Y/n's eyes grew wide at her fathers words as hundreds of horrible scenarios raced through her mind.

"What is it." She demanded with a wavering voice, her eyes holding a fearful look. Whatever her father was going on about had to be something absolutely terrible, something so bad that it would be a threat to the kingdom.

"War, my dear girl. War is upon us."

There it was. The cut that would always bleed; it had been scabbed over but now, it had been picked and was another open wound. Blood would be spilt, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try and stop it.

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now