013 For Snowbrooke

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Death was an easy thing for Thomas. To choose between life and death was as easy as falling in love with her. It was the pain that he was afraid of - how would it feel? Would it hurt? Would he feel anything at all?

That was the big question.

"Y/n?" The way he said her name, so soft and deep. "What are you doing here?"

She didn't reply - she didn't say anything at all. She just walked to him carefully, her steps as light as air. Floating like an angel. It all felt like a dream; she was a dream.

He looked around at where he was and it seemed as though for the first time in forever, he opened his eyes. "Thomas . . ." She called out, her voice barely above a whisper as it carried through the castle in echoes. "Don't do this."

"I have to."
"You don't have to be a hero."

Is that what he was doing? Being a hero? Why was he so willing to let everything he had, go? And why was the decision to do it so damn easy to make.

They stood as still as statues, facing one another as their eyes bore into each other's, saying things that were unspoken.

"We have a plan." She spoke.
"We?" He questioned.

Newt and Minho. Relief flooded Thomas when he saw them walk their way and he smiled and hugged his best friends. The four of them were together again, the circumstances were bad, but he had the girl he loved and his two best men by his side. They could win, but if they didn't, they would go down fighting like hell.

The prince and princess watched as Newt talked to the soldiers and went over the battle plan with them

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The prince and princess watched as Newt talked to the soldiers and went over the battle plan with them. Thomas nodded proudly in his friends direction and spoke quietly to Y/n, who stood beside him with her sword strapped to her hip securely.

"He's going to make a great King." Y/n nodded in agreement to the Snowbrooke prince's statement and replied softly. "Indeed he will, and so will you." Thomas looked down at her as she continued to stare at the soldiers as they prepared themselves for war. He smiled softly at her and looked down at their hands that were so close to one another that they were almost touching. Almost.

"You stare at a Raven long enough, they'll peck your eyes out." Y/n said as she wore a slight smirk on her face and shot him a side glance. Thomas scoffed and turned to Minho who appeared beside them wearing his battle armor. "They're ready." They all turned to Newt who was walking their way, the soldiers behind him and facing them.

The four royals looked at one another and each gave the other a reassuring nod. "Let's kill a god." Thomas announced.

The ground crunched beneath them as they treaded their way through the snow covered fields

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The ground crunched beneath them as they treaded their way through the snow covered fields. It was strange how one moment it was the middle of spring and the next it was the beginning of winter all in one walk.

"Thomas." Y/n whispered from him, her right hand clasped gently on the hilt of her sheathed sword that swayed back and forth when she walked. "It's awfully quiet, isn't it?" Thomas looked around them, his ears catching every snap of a twig and crunch of snow under soldiers feet. But, beside the trampling of snow and ice, it was eerily quiet.

"Mmhm, too quiet before a battle." Thomas and Y/n looked over to Minho who was walking beside them, and gave him a curt nod. Minho nodded back and started to shrink down into his wolf form.

Within seconds of Minho transforming, he started whimpering and began swaying side to side like a maniac from the ringing that filled his ears. Y/n turned to Minho with concern in her eyes as the Minho turned wolf cowered in the presence of whatever was in the distance.


CRACK! Lightening struck in the skies above them, thunder following closely as the ground quickly started to turn sloshy from the sudden pour of rain that had started. More lightening crashed and in the distance Y/n could spot movement through the sheets of rain that compromised her vision.

"Thomas, look ahead!" She shouted over the various rumbles of thunder and the falling of rain. Thomas turned his attention to where she was looking at - his head began to spin as he watched soldiers march through the rain and soggy snow covered fields. "Where is Ruton?"

The question seemed to ring out and hang in the air like white cloth on a hanging line. The words seemed to suffocate Thomas as he stared at the soldiers that were heading their way. Something was off about them - maybe it was the way that the soldiers seemed to walk, all wobbly as if they had no control over themselves.

Or, maybe it was their blue glowing eyes and their blank stares that made them look possessed. Without much thought, Thomas settled on the latter - definitely possessed.

The sound of metal scraping against metal rung out as the soldiers of Snowbrooke unsheathed their swords and prepared to fight. Y/n stared at the possessed soldiers as they continued to limp-walk closer and closer to them, their creaky and dirt covered armor catching her attention - the crimson stains on them and their armor making her swallow thickly.

"They're dead." She mumbled lowly and unsheathed her silver sword - the silver dully gleaming from the grey storm clouds that hung above them like an impending doom. "They can't be killed easily." Thomas' faith faltered slightly as he watched the army of the dead get closer and closer to them.

"We might as well have lost already then. I can feel the flames of The Dark Land on my skin." Minho, now back in his human form, said from beside Newt. The wind whooshing around them, whipping their rain soaked hair around as they stood waiting. Y/n shook her head and looked over to Newt who shook his head solemnly as well.

"No." Thomas stated firmly. His grip on his sword tightening as he turned to face his friends and his army. "We will not end in fire and blood and ash and torment. No, we will rise from the fire and ash like the mighty Phoenix and we will, if it is today, end in victory. The only blood that shall be spilt today, is the blood of a god."

"Preferably not mine." Newt quipped, a short smile spread on his lips as he stared at Thomas. Light chuckles escaped everyone's throats at the man's comment. "Preferably not yours." Thomas replied.

"We can do this." Thomas spoke, his previous speech already giving the soldiers the confidence they needed to go forth and fight for good. "Together." Y/n stared deeply into Thomas' eyes and could already see the end of everything in them. "Together." She whispered.



And just like that, the death of another royal and a god was destined to happen, the question was - which one?

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now