004 Stag

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Eyes. The piercing gaze that was on her made her feel fuzzy and warm on the inside. Y/n didn't dare look in his direction, not because she didn't want to look at him - all she wanted to do was look at him. But she was afraid that if she gave in and stared into those brown eyes again, she'd never want to look away.

"Hey." Y/n jumped slightly at the sudden voice and turned to face the person. A smile crept on her face along with that warm fuzzy feeling when she saw him.

She felt at loss for words - her mouth opened and closed but no words came out. It felt like a dream. Was she dreaming, had her mind come up with this sick fantasy? She pinched the top of her wrist as hard as she could, wincing at the slight sting she felt.

"I'm here." Thomas stated and pulled her hand away from her wrist and took it in his hand. Her touch felt like fire, setting his skin alight with its feather like feel. "Thomas." She whispered and pulled him into a tight hug. She never wanted to let go, neither of them did.

"I missed you . . . so much." Y/n said as she held him close to her, a tear slipped from her eye and she sniffled. So many emotions were running through her like crazy and the only way she could process half of them was by crying.

"I missed you more, little bird." Thomas muttered and continued to hold onto her. Y/n pulled away and let out a brief chuckle and wiped away the stray tears that ran down her cheeks. Thomas smiled and wiped away one of the tears, his touch was gentle and light.

The two royals continued to look at one another with awe filled gazes and big smiles. Thomas felt like he was walking on air as he led them both to the balcony.

"How's the married life treating you?" Thomas asked, a sarcastic smile on his lips as he leaned against a stone pillar. Y/n rolled her eyes and let out a snort from the young princes comment.

"We're not married yet, nor do I want to be." Thomas tilted his head at the girls words and took a step towards her. "I thought you loved the idea of being married? You know, being with the one you love?" He asked her.

Y/n looked inside the ball room and caught a glimpse of Elyas talking to a group of women, a huge smile on his face as he chatted with them. She shook her head and faced Thomas once more with a saddened look.

"I'm not with the one I love." She muttered. Thomas opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by the clearing of someones throat - Minho.
"It's time for you to go."

Y/n looked between the two men with confusion. Why did Thomas need to go? Her heart picked up when Thomas nodded and turned to talk to her.

"What . . . What does he mean? Why are you . . . why are you leaving, you just got here. I haven't even -" Y/n stuttered out as she watched Thomas' eyes glaze over.

"I know." He rasped out. He pulled her in for another hug - this one tighter and longer than the one they had shared only minutes before. "I know, but you'll understand. Meet me two days after tonight when the sun is almost set." He whispered to her and before he pulled away, he placed a gentle kiss to her ear and walked away.

Y/n watched as he, Minho, and Newt made their ways to the entrance, her heart rate picking up even more with each step he took. She didn't think twice about doing what she was about to do, even though she hadn't done it in so long.


Thomas stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face her way. He could barely see her face through all the royals that crowded the space but he knew she was there.

Our spot little bird.

Y/n smiled softly at the ringing of his voice in her head. The deepness of his voice echoing in her brain. She watched him slip past the entrance and into the hall to where he would leave through the metal gates back to Snowbrooke.

She felt her heart sink and the sadness that she had become all too familiar with, come back. The void that had been filled for the little time that she had spent with him, had opened back up. It had been minutes since his departure and she missed him, she missed him terribly.

The air around her felt like it was thickening. Am I breathing right now? When did the room get so small? She thought as she pushed through the sea of bodies and to the entrance doors. She had to get out of there.

Rustling leaves filled her ears and she turned to face the garden fountain. When did she get outside? The rustling continued and the princess, out of curiosity, walked towards the shaking bushes.

"Hello?" She whispered to the shaking bush. Y/n closed her eyes in disbelief of her actions. It seemed foolish of her to think that whatever was in the bushes would reply to her. But then again, it was The Mare and strange things always seemed happen. Well, strange things always seemed to happen everywhere.

A raven flew out of the bushes causing Y/n to jump back and let out a small scream followed by a laugh when she realized what it was. The raven landed on the gardens bench and cawed in a weird way that made it sound like it was laughing with the princess. When the laughter died down, Y/n smiled and took a seat next to it.

The raven squawked and flapped it's wings, a beautiful and deep blue light blinded Y/n and when it faded her mother, Loraine sat in its place. Loraine smiled and pulled her daughter into her arms for a small hug.

"You scared me." Y/n giggled and pulled away from the raven haired women who had grey hairs poking out here and there. "All in good fun my dear girl." Loraine replied.

The mother and daughter stared at the night sky, their arms intertwined with one another's as they admired the twinkling planets.

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now