011 Nightmare

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His eye burned a brilliant gold as he smiled wickedly while sitting on his throne made of human bone. Gold rings decorated his rich black skin and they gleamed from the very little light that peered in from the holes in the roof. He saw what she had done, everything was falling into place.

His plan was in motion and that tingly feeling was coursing though his veins once more; war. It was growing closer and he fed off of it, off the fact that soon he would all the souls he wanted. He wore his sadisticness like a perfectly tailored suit; beautifully.

That was one of the many things that Y/n hated about the gods - their beauty. It was because of it that they got whatever they wanted, they used it to their advantage, to lure in innocents and have them do their dirty work.

"Is that what we are to you?" A voice said from the shadows that surrounded the God of Souls. "Pawns?" He could recognize that voice anywhere, it was like sweet lullabies to him. "Oh, my dear sweet Raven." He smiled thoughtfully into the shadows, his eyes peering right into hers. "Come into the light."

Silence passed and carefully out of the shadows emerged Y/n, silver sword in hand and at the ready. She held it out at him as she walked slowly towards the makeshift throne, her breath was steady and her eyes narrowed when she looked at him. She felt no fear - not like she could even if she wanted to.

"You've seen what I have done." She spoke. Ruton nodded slowly at her words and smirked. "I have. Quite the actress you are." He complemented. Y/n watched as he sat, his eyes meeting hers and squinting almost as though he were trying to read her.

"I thought highly of you, sweet Raven. But it seems you've let me down. It was foolish of you to come alone, I thought you would've known better." Y/n furrowed her brows and tilted her head mockingly at him, a smile on her lips when she spoke softly to him. "Who said I came alone?"

Ruton opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by a dagger being pressed to his throat. He stared angrily at her, as she stepped up the steps and stood in front of him; her sword aimed straight at his heart.

"Clever little bird." A low growl came from the shadows and out of them formed a large black wolf "I see you've brought a wolf and," Ruton sniffed the air and a nasty look formed on his features. "A dragon. I hate dragons." He sneered. Newt leaned down to Rutons ear and spoke harshly as he continued to hold the dagger to his throat. "The feeling is mutual."

Y/n watched as Ruton smiled up at Newt with a sinister grin. He seemed enlightened that Newt was there but she didn't know why and that bothered her greatly. With a nudge to his face with her sword, she questioned him.

"Why are you smiling?"
"Because you've just handed me the last thing I need to start the war."

Before Y/n could do anything, Ruton pushed Newts hand away and kicked her in the stomach. She stumbled back and hit her head on the ground making her loose consciousness. Ruton still had a tight grip on Newts hand and made him drop the knife just as Minho came charging at Ruton in his spirit form.

Ruton turned to him with an angered look. "Down boy." He boomed and Minho crouched down in pain, whimpering, and staggering. Newt struggled to get out of Rutons hold but Ruton only tightened his grip on him more.

"I know you." Ruton muttered as he stared deeply into Newts eyes, curiosity filling them. He got closer and placed his thumb to Newts forehead, both of their eyes glowing a blinding white. "Hello, Cytis."

Newt struggled even more and finally escaped out of his grip, his skin sizzled and was fiery to the touch. Ruton smirked and hurled the dagger at Newt, who barely missed it but was skimmed by it. Gold.

Y/n finally came too and when her vision cleared her heart began to race. He was bleeding gold. She'd heard the legend, she knew what would happen if Ruton got close to Newt. Ruton knew too because he tackled Newt and held him on the ground, blade in hand, pressing it to his palm.

"NO!" She yelled but it was too late. Ruton had already slammed his bloodied palm onto Newts arm, mixing the golden blood with his own.

The world around then slowed, and it seemed as though time had stopped, yet she still continued. Y/n quickly got up from where she had been on the ground and looked around; it was just her. She was alone. How could it be?

"No matter what you do, it will always end this way." Ruton said from behind her, causing her to quickly face him. "I will always win, and you will always loose. That's just how this works."

"I'll find a way to stop you!" She yelled at his retreating form. He turned and faced her, a smug look on his face when he spoke. "How? You can't do much when you're dead."

Dead? Y/n looked down at her hands and gasped fearfully at the state of them. Bone, they were nothing but bone. Her arms began to decay and the only thing that would be left was bone. She screamed and shot awake from the nightmare.

She huffed in big breaths in an attempt to catch her breath, the hot air visible. Small beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. She wiped them away with the back of her hand and gasped when she noticed her surroundings.

Forest floor covered in blankets of snow filled her sight when she looked around. Icicles decorated the giant tree limbs, frost covered the bark beautifully and snow laid delicately at its base. The sight was beautiful; heavenly. She never wanted to leave - never.

A laugh escaped her lips when she noticed a stag in the distance form into a man. The closer he got, the more she grew excited. "Thomas!" She exclaimed and ran into his arms. He didn't hug her back, he just stood there, cold. She pulled away with a smile on her face, but it faded when she noticed his state.

His face was pale - white as snow, his eyes were dull and lifeless, his lips chapped and pale, and his skin; like ice. She furrowed her brows and stared worryingly into his eyes. Something was wrong.

"Thomas?" She asked him.

"Why did you have to go after him."

"What are you talking about?"

He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her furiously, anger filled his eyes and terror filled hers. "You killed us. YOU KILLED US ALL!" He shouted.

Fear. She felt fear. She wasn't supposed to fell anything, let alone fear. It wasn't real, what was happening, it was all fake; an illusion. She had to be dreaming, she just had to be.

Her attention was caught by the sound of rustling in a nearby patch of thick tree. It was her mother, dressed in a black gown, her eyes glossed over with tears as she walked passed her daughter almost as though she didn't see her.

"Mother?" She asked, but Loraine didn't reply, she just simply kneeled to the ground in front of a large oak tree, sobbing. "Mother it's alright." She said in an attempt at comforting her mother, but her words went unnoticed.

"I should have never let her go after him. This is all my fault." Her mother wept as Thomas snapped out of whatever trance he was in and walked over to Loraine, bent down and placed a gentle hand on her mother's shoulder as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"It's no ones fault. No matter what we would've done, she would have always gone after him. She was always one to do what she thought was right." Thomas and Loraine chuckled sadly at his words and continued to look at the oak tree.

It was then that Y/n really looked at the tree. Her eyes widened and her heart dropped. It was no ordinary tree - it was a grave. Her grave.

The breath she didn't even know she had been holding, came out and she stumbled back from the sight that was before her. The further she scrambled back in the snow the more she realized she was going towards the tree, almost like she was being forced to see it.

Wake up!

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now