010 Check Mate

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Thump. Thump. Thump. She sat across from her father, the old man staring at her with a sense of pride as she played chess with him. Thump. Thump. Thump. Titus smiled at his daughter and took a gulp of his drink that had been sitting on the side table. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Y/n smiled back at him and continued to move the chess pieces, her eyes lingering on the drink that he had placed down. Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump. His eyes became wide as saucers and his lungs began contracting causing loud coughs to emit from his throat.

Then, he felt as though he couldn't breath and the coughs that had been violently racking his bad had become gurgled sounds from his throat tightening up. Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump. He fell to the ground and reached his hand out for his daughter to call for help, his heart felt as though it was going to explode from how fast it was going.

Thump. Y/n watched as her fathers hand finally went limp and his chest stopped rising. A grim expression formed on her face and she moved the final chess piece. "Check mate." She said and took a sip of her water and sat up from her seat, kneeling beside her fathers now dead body.

A violent and heart-wrenching sob came pouring out of her as tears streamed down her face like a mighty river. "Somebody help!" She shouted, servants came crashing in along with Elyas and two guards. They stood shocked when they saw her hunched over the king, hands gripped tightly to his coat as sobs left her body.

Elyas was the first to rush over, his arms wrapping tightly around her as he pried her off and dragged her away from the scene. She fought back as much as she could and began hitting his chest as she screamed a series of let me gos and stop its. He held onto her tightly and rubbed soothing circles on his back, letting her cry.

Another violent scream echoed through the hall as Elyas and Y/n turned to see Loraine on the floor beside her dead husband, begging him to wake up.

Y/n watched with a blank stare as her mother begged her dead father to wake up. She should've felt sad, angry, heartbroken, something. But she felt nothing. After all, she was the one who poisoned him.

The plan was in motion; stop the war

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The plan was in motion; stop the war. How they were going to stop it was still uncertain but they were going to stop it. Thomas sat at his desk in his room, quill in hand as he wrote carefully and neatly on a piece of parchment. His hand wrote back and forth on the paper, the ink dotting beautifully when he wrote with love, Thomas.

Once the ink was dry, he folded the letter neatly and placed it in a small box that had a beautiful dagger in it that was wrapped in a fine leather. He smiled softly at the two items and closed the box carefully, his hands smoothing over it afterwards. There were moments is Thomas' life where he would always second guess the choices he ever made, like what would have happened if he hadn't done something or what could have happened if he did do something different.

Every time he thought that way, his mind always went to a particular time - the day he and Y/n were separated. What could have been would always remain a mystery to them because neither of them did nothing to stop it. It was the only time that Thomas had felt such a huge amount of hatred and resentment towards his father for opening his mouth.

A knock from the other side of the door brought Thomas back to reality and he quickly hid the small box under his bed and walked over to the door to open it, his eyes widened when he saw who was in the other side.

"Y/n?" He asked, shocked as he stood stuck in his place. Y/n shushed him and quickly pushed him into his room and closed the door quietly behind her.

Thomas' eyes widened and stared at Y/n like she was a madwomen and began to speak. "Not that I don't like this, believe me I do, but what the hell are you doing here?" He asked her once more. Y/n took a seat on Thomas' bed and glanced at him with a blank stare.

"I killed him." She confessed. Thomas' eyes grew wide with shock and he quickly took a seat across from her in his desk chair, their knees touching. "I had to do it, I had to." She said to him.

Thomas took her hand in his, his fingers lacing with hers as he comforted her. "Who? Who was it?" Y/n sucked in a deep breath and spoke up. 

"My father."

The room grew quiet after she said those words. Thomas felt a flood of relief because the war would finally be over and innocent lives from both sides wouldn't be lost.

She killed her father.

It hit Thomas like an arrow aimed straight for his heart- she killed the king. "Do you have any idea what you have just done to yourself?" He said, his voice growing louder and louder with every word he spoke. "Once they find out what you've done, they'll kill you!"

Y/n got up from the bed and walked over to his window and stared at The Mare in the distance and the darkening sky. She knew about the consequences that came with her decision and she was fully prepared to accept her fate. In Y/n's eyes, there was no cheating death- everybody is supposed to die and what is dead, stays dead. Her mother always said that that was just how the world worked, and it was true.

"I am well aware of the consequences my decision has. If I am to die for stopping the war, then so be it. I would rather my father be dead and I as well if it meant that thousands of innocents got to live another day." She said to him, her eyes never leaving the dark sky.

Thomas watched her, his face softening as he realized why she had done it all. It was for the good of the kingdoms, she was doing something that not everyone could do- sacrifice themselves.

"I won't let you." Thomas whispered as he took her hand in his once more and rubbed the pad of his thumb across her palm. "It's not up to you." She said as she smiled up at him.

She watched as tears began to stream down his face and his bottom lip formed in a small pout as he attempted at holding the emotions in. She wanted to feel what Thomas was feeling, she wanted to take away his pain like Ruton did to her, but she couldn't. She just wanted to feel it all again, the pain, the sadness, the love. But she couldn't.

"I love you." Thomas said to her. He knew she couldn't feel love, or anything at that moment but he hoped that when she could again, she would love him back just as much as he loved her.

She wanted to say it back to him, she wanted to tell him how much she loved him and how she would do anything for him- anything to be with him. But if she did say anything, they would be hollowed words that had no emotion behind them and she couldn't hurt him like that, she couldn't lie to him.

"Don't remember me." Thomas furrowed his brows at her words. "When I'm gone, don't remember me. Memories are the worst form of torture and I don't want to be the reason you hurt." She said.

"You're hurting me by leaving, Y/n." Thomas said and let go of her hand.
"I have to pay for what I've done. And so does Ruton." With that said, she walked out Thomas' room and stormed out of Snowbrooke with her mind set on one thing; revenge.

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now