014 And So He burns

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Time seemed irrelevant in the moment of war - the moment of death. It all felt like life was just some meaningless thing that people made up so they could explain the time before death.

The sounds of hollers and shouting echoed throughout the fields as everyone fought to survive. Every now and then a body would drop with a stab wound and blood gushing out of it profusely. Another soldier dead.

Sweat rolled down their forehead and cheeks, stinging their eyes as it went. A layer of sweat coated their skin under all of the armor and chain mail. The air was frigid and burned their lungs with every deep breath they inhaled. She could feel her body growing weaker and weaker with every swing of her sword that she made.

He watched from the distance with an intense look clouding his features. He watched every one of their moves, every step they took - calculating their next one and the outcome of it. The time he had been waiting for, for so long, was near. Ruton could practically taste the fire and ash that would soon be the remains of the earth.

In the distance she spotted him - his white and gold irises finding hers. A scowl formed on her lips and she charged at him, her sword swinging and slashing at the undead as she got closer and closer to Ruton. The look she held in her eyes sent a shiver down his back - the pure hatred in her eyes made him smirk.

"Are you death?" He asked her teasingly when she got to him, her sword poking his throat when he spoke ever so slightly - the skin sizzling slightly. "Sometimes." She replied, the same look of hatred in her eyes as it burned deep in her body. "And I am today."

Her silver sword glowed brightly, almost blinding, as she brought it down to her side. She gave him a look that said 'I challenge you'. Ruton grinned widely and extended his arms out - two golden curved blades appeared in his hand and their duel began.

He lunged forward and she disappeared into thin air like nothing. Ruton stoped in confusion and looked around for her, his confusion only growing more and more when he found himself in a different place.

"You wanted a war, Ruton." Her voice echoed around him in an eerie way as he stood in an abyss of nothingness. "You wanted to see the world burn to nothing." She appeared from behind him and spoke once more, her tone bone chilling. "And now you will burn to nothing."

From behind Y/n appeared Newt with flaming eyes the color of fire. His armor had been discarded, leaving him in his regular clothing as he stood in front of Ruton. Newt seemed to grow in height to match Rutons godly form, the once calm and patient prince had become a being filled with a soothing rage and an appetite for a god.

"Cytis." Ruton mumbled and watched as Newt, now having the spirit of Cytis in him, grabbed his arm forcefully and began speaking to what Y/n could only understand as an ancient language.

"I banish you Ruton to the plain of Okeya. Where you will burn for eternity and may never see the lights of the Bright Field. As defender of the Ancient World, I summon the forces of my entire being to destroy you."

The dark abyss that Y/n had taken the three of them to, began to disappear and they were back on the battle field where now only Thomas, Minho, and a couple dozen of soldiers remained - the mix of blood, sweat, and dirt covered their bodies.

The earth beneath them began to shake and rumble as Ruton fell to his knees in a screaming mess. Newt never let his grip on him go as he set fire to Rutons mortal body, the piece of earth he had been on had been scorched and Ruton had disappeared - sent away to Okeya where his godly soul would be tortured then destroyed.

Silence filled the field and Newt collapsed to the ground, his exhaustion from what had just happened taking over. Thomas and Minho quickly joined Y/n in checking on Newt, the three of them leaning over him as Minho smacked his face a bit to wake him up.

"Minho!" Y/n scolded as Thomas shoved Newt a bit to wake him up. "Thomas!" She scolded again, the girl growing frustrated with them abusing their unconscious friend. "Would you two stop hitting me please?" The three of them quickly turned to Newt with wide eyes. He smiled painfully up at them and chuckled lightly at their shocked expressions

"Rise from the ashes like a Phoenix, right?" Newt said to Thomas, who in turn smiled and chuckled and gave him a small nod. Y/n smiled and helped the poor man stand on his feet, groans escaped him as he forced his sore body to stand. "Did we win?"

"I think it's safe to say yes." Y/n replied. Minho smirked at all of them and grabbed them into a group hug.

The world was safe - they were safe. No one had died, well except for an evil god but that was a good thing.

✓ The Song Of The Raven, Thomas ¹Where stories live. Discover now