Tom Hiddleston(SMUT)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was cuddled up into Tom's chest as we sat on the couch and watched movies. I wasn't really paying attention to the movies since I was more focused on how FUCKING HORNY I AM!

To be fair, I am in a sexual relationship with Tom Hiddleston so what did you expect? ;)

"Darling?" "Yeah?" "You are sweating," Tom said as I touched my forehead and noticed the wetness was not only in my panties tonight. 

"Oh, would you look at that. Here, I'll get up and wash my face," I said as I started to get up but Tom grabbed my hand and stopped me from getting up. "Don't," Tom said as he then pulled me into a deep kiss. 

He reached and turned off the television and moved the blanket off of his lap and then pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him. "Darlin, you are so very wet," He said as he then moved one of his hands into my pants and he started to finger me. 

"Why are you so wet? We were watching a movie about space," Tom laughed out as I smiled and moaned into the kiss and I started to grind my hips onto his fingers. 

"Do you ache for me, my dear?" Tom growled in my ear as I nodded and then he pushed me off of him and grabbed my hand as he led me to his room. We didn't bother to close the door since he lives alone and Tom and I aren't THAT loud.... usually.

"FUCK TOM!" I yelled as Tom pounded in and out of me so fast that I was cumming over and over again. 

He pulled out of me and then started laughing. "What the hell is so fucking funny?" I asked as I did my best to clean myself off with the t-shirt that he had taken off of me only 15 minutes prior. 

"You were so fucking horny," He said in between laughs. "Asshole," I said as he smiled and then grabbed me by the jaw and gave me a hard kiss. I then got on top of him and rode him until he practically melted underneath me. 


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