Never Ending Story- Eddie Munson (Smut)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

That's how I got here.

"Eddie 'the freak' Munson and his sidekick female companion, (Y/N) 'the witch bitch' (L/N), rule the freak table with their games of dungeons and dragons. They are corrupting our children and teaching them the ways of devilish behavior. Our children will learn the ways of sodomy and murder!" I yelled as I then threw down the high school newspaper. 

"This is complete bullshit! They've got it all wrong," I said as Eddie, Mike, Dustin, Gareth, and Jeff stared at me. 

"I am NOT your sidekick! If anything, you are my sidekick," I said as Eddie smirked my way and continued to eat his pretzels. 

"I can't believe they are spreading this shit all over school," Mike said as Eddie just continued to look pissed off. "We're the freaks cause we like to play fantasy games," Eddie started as he looked around the table.

"But, as long as you're into the band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" Yelled Eddie as he got on top of the table and directed all his anger over to the popular kid's table where Jason sat with his group of douchbag friends. 

"You want something freak?" Jason asked as Eddie threw his hands up and in through his hair to make little devil horns as he stuck his tongue out at Jason in a playful manner.

You see, Eddie isn't dangerous at all. He is a dumb dork in love with his guitar and a fantasy game which he only enjoys playing with his high school buddies who all happen to be between the ages of 15 and 19. 

He's also in love with me. But we don't tell anyone that. That stays between us and the bed we sleep on in his uncle's RV.

Also, my best friend, Robin. She's the only living person that knows about Eddie and me. Okay, and I guess his uncle also knows since he's letting me stay with him and Eddie since my parents kicked me out for being 'too devious'. 

Robin and I met in the band. She got close to me when she noticed I was doing my best to get out of playing certain games since I would rather kill myself than miss a Hellfire Club meet-up. 

"What are you in such a rush for?" Robin asked as I stood there trying to get my flute back in its case during practice. "I promised this guy I would join his club and I'm late because OUR TEACH WON'T SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled at that last part since he was taking so long to wrap band practice up. 

"Munson?" Robin asked as I nodded and then picked up my flute case. "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked as I started to head out of practice as she put away her instrument. 

"I know Henderson. My friend Steve is Henderson's babysitter. So, I am very familiar with who Munson is," Robin said as she walked with me out of band practice. I was practically speed walking out of there with her as I ran over to the room where Hellfire was being held. 

"You're (Y/N), aren't you," She said as I nodded before walking into my first Hellfire meet-up. "Yeah, and you are Robin," I said as she smiled. "We should hang out sometime," Robin said as I smiled back at her. "Yeah! I will come by the video store and see if you and Steve want to hang out with Eddie and me some time," I said as I then headed into the club.

That was a really long time ago and now Robin and I hang out all the time and talk about Steve, Eddie, and Vicky. Vicky is Robin's crush. Robin and I have been friends for so long now that she trusted me enough with the information that she is not into guys at all but fancies women.

I then had to repay the favor and tell her about my crush on Eddie Munson. I also then informed her a little later that the whole truth is that Eddie and I are living together because my mother kicked me out and Eddie's uncle was cool enough to let me stay with his super sexy nephew. 

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