Clark Kent (Smallville) SMUT

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(Y/N)'s POV:

My day started at school. I'm a sophomore at Smallville High. I have a tight little friend group consisting of Chloe Sullivan, Lana Lang, Pete Ross, and Clark Kent. We also have Lex Luther in our friend group but he's more so Clark and Lana's friend than anyone else.

I work at the Talon with Lana. We serve coffee by night and by day we are school girls failing chemistry. 

Chloe and Clark work at the Torch. That's our school newspaper. Pete works on cars with his other friends and Lex runs Lex Corp here in Smallville. He's the sugar daddy of the group. 

The only problem with our friend group is the love lives of all of us. It's probably sadder than most teen romances which are saying a lot because I've seen some pretty bad movies on teen love.

Lana has a crush on Clark. Chloe also has a crush on Clark. Lex and Clark both have crushes on Lana. Pete has a crush on Chloe. I have a tiny crush on Clark but not big enough to categorize it as anything. 

Clark took Chloe to the spring formal. He also has gone out with Lana a few times. He's kissed both countless times. Pete kissed Chloe once when confessing his love for her in an elevator of a hospital. A mere seconds after she laid one on Clark in a supply closet.

Lex has been pining for Lana ever since they met. He is a co-owner of the Talon and he also bought Lana a ticket to Paris for her to go to school there. That's where she is right now. 

Lex met her at the airport and gave her a first-class ticket in replace of her economy-class ticket. 

Clark also met Lana at the airport but for some reason, I'm unsure if he came back a little hurt so I don't know what happened there.

Chloe and Pete have decided to play it cool and be friends. Same with Chloe and Clark. Lex and Lana might have something going on which could be why Clark is so upset. 

Other than that I am the odd one out with no one crushing on me or kissing me anytime soon.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to barge in," Chloe said as she walked into my bedroom with me sitting perched on my bed writing in my diary. "You're good. What's up?" "Sorry, your dad let me in. I was just wondering if you wanted to do something tonight just you and me," She said as I smiled at the thought of hanging out with just her. 

The friend group originated with just Chloe and me. Then we added Pete, then Clark, then Lana, then Lex. 

But Chloe and I rarely ever get to hang out just us. 

"Where is everyone else tonight?" I asked as I got up and put on a jacket and scarf since in Smallville chilly meant below freezing.

"Clark is God knows where, Lana is probably sipping tea in Paris, Pete is drag racing with friends, and Lex is working late again," Chloe said as I smiled at her. "So where to, girlfriend?" I asked as she giggled and we headed out the door. 

We got in her car and went to go get ice cream. When we walked out both holding ice cream cones, Mine was mint chocolate chip and hers was strawberries and cream, we saw Clark walking towards us with a certain glow in his eyes. 

"Hey ladies," He said with an amount of rizz in his voice. "Hey, Clark, wanna join us? We just got ice cream and then we were going to the Talon to watch a movie," Chloe said as Clark just couldn't keep his eyes off of me. 

"You okay, Clark?" I asked as he nodded quietly.

"I just guess I never noticed how sexy you are, (Y/N)," He said as Chloe choked on a strawberry. "Oh, uhm. Thanks?" I said as Chloe dragged me away from the boy. 

"That was so weird. I wonder what has gotten into him," I said as Chloe looked at me and then back at Clark and we started to laugh as we headed to the Talon. 

"Hey! Wait up!" Clark said as he ran after us. "What movie are you guys going to see?" He asked as I smiled at him. "Something dumb and cheesy that you won't like," Chloe said as Clark smiled back at me. 

"Well. I don't care. I will watch whatever you guys want," Clark said as he followed Chloe and me into the theater. 

I got a large popcorn even though we had just scarfed down some ice cream. I was feeling myself today. Clark held the popcorn bucket as Chloe and I then got some random candy to share as well. Safe to say we were splurging. 

We walked into the theater and Chloe got into the aisle first and then I followed suit. Clark sat down next to me and he was still holding the popcorn bucket. Chloe set the candy down in the cup holder in between her and me. 

When Clark moves the popcorn bucket to set it on the floor, he revealed his growing boner seated snug behind his kackis.

I made direct eye contact with Clark after seeing such a thing. He smirked at me and then I quickly darted my eyes at the screen in front of me. 

All three of us sat there and watched the movie together in silence for a good 45 minutes until Clark reached his hand over toward mine which sat in my lap. 

He held my hand in my lap and then he moved both our hands to his now raging boner. 

I gasp at the sudden contact and Chloe looked over at me but I just smiled at her in the dimly lit room as she then smiled back and looked at the screen.

Clark continued to rub our hands over his crotch as I just sat there and watched the movie with him and Chloe. 

The movie ended and I quickly removed my hand as the lights turned back on.

"Where to now?" Chloe asked as I looked up at Clark as we left the Talon. "My place," Clark said as Chloe and I both shared a look of concern with each other. 

"Don't you think that's a bit forward, Clark?" Chloe asked as Clark just continued dazing upon me. 

"What do you think? Would you like to come back to my place, (Y/N)?" Clark said and as if I was under some sort of spell I said yes.

So Chloe went off to go do God knows what while Clark took me to his farm and we went up in his barn. 

My phone was in my purse and it started to ring so I dug through as Clark cleaned off the couch for me to sit next to him. 

I answered the phone and Pete was on the other side. 

"THE RING!! (Y/N)! ITS THE RING HE'S WEARING THE RED RING!" Pete yelled as I took what little knowledge I already had about Clark's abilities and I slowly turned towards dark Clark.

"Okay, sounds great, Pete. I'm at Clark's right now," I said calmly as I then hung up the phone and moved closer to Clark on the couch. 

"Clark? Do you like me?" I asked as I seductively traced a finger over his chest. "Yes, very much," He breathed out those words as I then pulled him into a deep kiss.

His hands tugged at my body as I then got on top of him and I removed his shirt and then he started to undo the button on my pants and he immediately slid a finger into me and I moaned out into his mouth. 

"The ring. It hurts. Can you take it off before you fuck me?" I asked as Clark nodded and then took the red ring off his finger. 

His demenior changed only slightly. He then went right back to kissing and finger fucking me. 

"Wait, why are you still all over me?" I asked as he moaned into my neck and I moved my body roughly against his. 

"Because contrary to popular belief, I do like you (Y/N). I have for a while and it only took me putting this ring on to give myself the confidence boost to do what I've dreamt about for years," He said as I smiled and then we removed the rest of each others clothes and he sped to go get a condom and then he came back just in time for us to ride each other in his barn as the sun set for the evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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