Damon Salvatore

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Damon and (Y/N)'s POV:

This is the story of how I died. Damon, that's not funny. This is my story could you please do something else? No, I am incapable of doing anything else but making fun of you and messing with you. Whatever, this is the story of how I fell in love with a Vampire. 

~~~Earlier That Day~~~

(Y/N)'s POV:

I had become a Vampire just recently and Stefan and Damon were helping me adjust to my new lifestyle. I even had my own ring so that I could still live a relatively normal teenage life. "Next, we will teach you how to get to different places fast," Stefan said while I got in a ready position to run like how they had shown me. "Focus on where you want to go and just let your feet take you," Stefan said while I smiled at Damon. I then ran and reached him quicker than ever before. He caught me and stumbled back a little bit cause of the impact. "There you go, you've got it," He said while holding me tightly.

"We better get to school because I told Elena that we would meet her in the main quad with Bonnie and Caroline," Stefan said while running in the house and then running back out with his and my backpacks. "See you later then," Damon said while grabbing me so that we could kiss passionately.

Stefan and I walked to school and then met up with our friends. Bonnie and Elena decided to walk me to the restroom before class started while Stefan met up with his football buddies. "So, what's up with Damon? We never see him ever since you two became a thing," Bonnie asked while I smiled as I reapplied my lipstick. "You know him, he's weird around new people and he isn't very fond of being in a normal relationship," I said while Caroline walked in. "Speaking of dating, how's Tyler?" Elena asked with big smiles. 

"Tyler's good. He just kissed me goodbye before he had to go meet up with Matt for football," She said with a smile that spread from cheek to cheek. Elena and I picked up our book bags and then headed to class. It was a long day and we had loads of homework to do afterward but thankfully it was all History and I had two vampires on my side to help me since they lived through almost everything. 

"What do you have planned for tonight?" Elena asked me while I took things out of my locker. "Well, Damon wanted to go out to eat if you know what I mean and then we were going to stay in and watch some movies," I said as she shifted her stance. "Okay, let me know if anything comes up." She then walked away and I continued my way outside to Stefan and his car since we were both headed in the same place he offered me a ride home.

We arrived at the house and I ran to Damon's room. "I missed you so much," I said while jumping on top of him as he laid in bed peacefully.

 "I missed you so much," I said while jumping on top of him as he laid in bed peacefully

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 "You were gone for six hours I think you're fine," He said while trying to sit up. "Are you saying you didn't miss me? Because I would take great offense if that is true, Salvatore," I said while looking at him sternly. He just rolled his eyes as we heard the front door open downstairs. 

"Were you expecting anyone?" I asked while looking at him questionably. "My side chick wasn't supposed to be here yet," He said as I hit his arm. "Not funny," I said while he grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs cautiously. "Who's there?" I called down. There was a slight ruffle but we couldn't tell who was there.

"Damon, I know you are there why don't you just cooperate and show yourself so I can shove this dagger through your chest," Once the person spoke we could tell it was. "Rebekah, how can we help you?" Damon responded sarcastically. 

Damon and I walked down the stairs and were greeted by Rebekah

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Damon and I walked down the stairs and were greeted by Rebekah. She had an evil grin and I could tell that something bad was about to happen. "Would you like a drink? Or are you strictly into tormenting us now?" I asked while calmly walking over to Damon's Bourbon. "I'm fine with not drinking the vervain bourbon that he has been feeding you so that none of my siblings can compel you," She said while walking closer to Damon. "How are your evil siblings? I heard Klaus almost bit it," I said while trying my best not to cry while siping the vervain filled drink. 

"I should kill you right now for what you did," She said to Damon while stepping closer to him. "Well, what's stopping you?" He said while smirking. "You are so right," She said seconds before snapping his neck. "Damon!" I screamed as I dropped the glass. It shattered to the floor as I sped over to Damon to catch him before he fell to the floor. 

"You evil skank!" I yelled at Rebekah as she walked over to the blood bag that was sitting on the counter. "You say that like it's an insult. Nice girls? Pathetic! Here's to evil skanks," She raised the blood bag like it was a champagne glass and then took a drink from it. "Besides he's a vampire. He will wake up soon, just take this as a warning. You mess with my brothers I will kill you and everyone you love," She then sped out of the house with the blood bag in hand. 

I got off the floor but left Damon. I went to the cellar and got more blood bags. I then went to Damon's room and put on one of his shirts and then I got my homework out. I sat on the bed and finished up my work. When I was done I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for movie night and Damon would wake up any second now so I sped downstairs and set up the DVR. 

"Where did she go?" I heard Damon ask as he slowly got up off the floor. "She left and said what she did was a warning," I said while tossing him a blood bag. "What are we watching?" He asked while opening it. "Doctor Strange," I said while pressing play. "Maybe but who am I to judge," He said while wiping the blood off of his mouth. 

He got on top of me and rested his head on my lap and we watched the movie. "How are you feeling?" I asked while petting his head gently. "Better now," He whispered to me as we watched Doctor Strange do his cool battle scenes. 


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