Draco Malfoy

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Darling? Have you and Ginny got your stuff packed for school yet?" My mother called up to me and my sister. "I'm packed but (Y/N) seems to still be getting ready," Ginny said as I rolled my eyes and finished putting away my robe and I put my wand in my back pocket. "Come on! We are gonna be late for the bus," Ginny said as I nodded and then took my suitcase downstairs. "Girls! The twins and Ron are already on their way with your father," My mom said as Ginny and I both gave her kisses and then left. "See you both for Christmas!" She called after us as we ran to the shed to grab our brooms so we could head to the station. 

"What was taking you so long?" Ron asked as I put my suitcase on the trolly next to his. "I needed to fix my hair," I said as the twins both looked at me conusingly. "Why would you have gone and done that?" George asked as Fred ran his fingers through my now black hair. 

"You don't like having red hair?" My father asked he frowned. "No! I do! I just don't want to get made fun of for being the only Weasly who got sorted into Slytherin. So, promise me that you will all make sure that no one finds out that we are related!" I said while pointing my finger to my siblings. They all nodded in agreement and then we all ran through the brick wall and onto platform 9 3/4.  

I quickly took my suitcase and walked away from my family after I saw some students. I waved to Hermione and Harry and told them my plan to make sure no one knows that I'm a Weasly. They agreed and then we all went our separate ways. "Hey! Pansy! Wait up!" I exclaimed as I ran after my best friend and her boyfriend. "Hey Crabbe. Hey Goyle," I said as I waved to the two Slytherins. "Hey, Cedric. How is the Huffelpuff world treating you?" He smiled and nodded. "It's fine," He said as Pansy held his hand close. 

They had been together now since last year and it was honestly super cute since he was such a Hufflepuff and then Pansy was very much a Slytehrin. "Anyone special in your life?" Pansy asked as I rolled my eyes. "No. I have been too busy with school and Quittich," I said as I looked out the window and saw we were nearing Hogwarts. "Have any of you heard from Malfoy?" Pansy asked as i continued to dose off. "No, last I heard was that he was one of the only students that didn't get to go home for the weekend," Goyle said as I then broke out of my trance. 

I sat there and thought about someone like Draco not having a good family but then I remembered that he is a family of death eaters so of course they wouldn't be nice during holiday time. My family invited Harry Potter for thanksgiving and that was just because he is my brother's best friend. Not just because of the whole orphan thing. 

"One of us should invite him to spend Christmas with our families since he won't be going home for the holidays," Pansy said as Cedric shook his head. "Don't worry, it probably won't be me," She said as Cedric sighed a breath of relief. "Crabbe? Goyle?" She asked the two boys as they shook their heads. "No, thanks. I don't think my mom would like someone like Draco coming home for the holidays," Crabbe said as Goyle agreed. 

"I guess that means that you will have to convince the (Y/L)'s the invite Draco for Christmas," Pansy said as I just sat there with a blank expression on my face. I am dreding the day that they find out that I made up the last name, (Y/N) just so that they wouldn't know that I was a Weasly. Now, they want me to invite a Malfoy into the Weasly home for Christmas? Not only will I get bullied but now Draco might even have me killed by his father or some other death eater. I've met Lucias and Narcissa. They loved me as their own. They treated me so kindly because they thought I was a pure bread Slytherin. I'm dead. I am so very dead. 

The train stopped and we all headed into the school. My friends and I mocked some of the first years that we saw walking in. Ron and Ginny caught my eye as I walked in and then I quickly looked away. "Let's go to the common room and get unpacked so that we can make it in time for the first Quittich match of the year," Pansy said as she gave Cedric a kiss and then we were on our way. 

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