Loki Laufeyson

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Third Person POV:

(Y/N) was a very quiet girl. She never liked going out much and she was always doing something to keep herself busy from all the things happening around her.

One day she decided to go for a walk around New York city. When she first set foot outside, the sky was clear and the wind was blowing. People were out walking their dogs and strollers were being pushed. It was a perfect day to go for a walk.

So she put on her sweatshirt, grabbed her phone, put on some sneakers, and wore her best yoga pants.

As she came closer to a busy street, she saw a group of girls with their phones out. She thought to walk around them but the street had lots of cars so there was no way around the girls except go through them.

"Excuse me please." She said as she squeezed through the group. "oof." She said as she tripped on one of the girls feet and fell into a guys' arms. "Oh I'm so sorry. I think I tripped on someone's shoe." She said as she stood up still not looking at the dapper man in front of her.

"That's all right, all of these maidens are here to take pictures with my brother over there." She still ignored him and just continued to wipe herself off.

"Well I best get back to my walk. Thank you for catching me. Bye." She then walked away and the man just stared at her as she walked farther and farther away.

" She then walked away and the man just stared at her as she walked farther and farther away

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(Y/N)'s POV:

When I came back from my walk my best friend was already at my apartment and she was eating some of my food. "Hey do you have anything better than this?" She said with a mouth full of food. "No, wait. How did you get in here? My door was locked." "I'm the only person who has ever broken into your apartment before? Cool!" She said as she set the food down and walked into my room.

"So has anything exciting happened to you since the last time I saw you?" She said as she got onto my bed and took her shoes off. "We saw each other this morning, we bought groceries together."

"Well then tell me what you did the minute you got home like what happened?" "Okay well, I put the groceries away. I then took my shoes off and answered some work emails. I called my mom. I watched a youtube video. I opened my bedroom window and it looked nice so I went for a walk."

"Did anything exciting happen on that so called walk?" "I tripped, is that exciting enough for your small brain?" "Hey! I'm serious. I want to know if you like saw a cool rock or a baby waved at you."

"A guy caught me when I fell." "Wait What!?!?! Why didn't you say anything?" She yelled at the top of her lungs and stood up. "I didn't see his face all I said was thank you and then kept walking."

"You dummy. What if he was hot and you never got to even see him." "I know he was British." I said as I took my jacket off. "What do you mean British?" "Well he said something and definitely sounded like he was British.

"Oh my god. British guys are always so sweet. You should ask him out." "Did you not hear a word I just said? I didn't even see his face." "I bet he saw yours."

Loki's POV:

"Brother we really need to continue what we came here for." "Right to see Lady Jane." I just rolled my eyes at the thought of Thor kissing his fiancee. But I stopped rolling my eyes at the thought of the woman that I caught in my arms.

"Did you see how beautiful that maiden was?" "No, why?" Thor said as he looked at the map of New York. "She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. And she was so fragile. I -" "Found it." Thor had cut me off.

He then started to walk towards the other direction. "Where are we going again?" "Lady Jane gave me an address to go to when I visit New York with you." I rolled my eyes again at the thought of having to see Jane. She was feisty but she was always trying to set me up on dates with her friends.

"I don't feel like meeting anyone else at the moment if you don't mind." "Nonsense brother! Jane said you will love this girl." So I followed Thor and we arrived at a building that was obviously an apartment.

"This is it." "Oh please, after you." I said sarcastically. Thor smiled and went inside.

Third Person POV:

"Who is this guy again?" (Y/N) asked her friend that was doing her hair in the bathroom. "He is the guy I met awhile ago, you know. The guy I'm marrying." "No the other guy. The guy your setting me up with." She paused and set down the straightening iron. "Oh, your going to meet his brother."

(Y/N) was not prepared to meet someone so she sat down on the couch in her room and waited for them to show up at her apartment.

Knock Knock Knock!

"Oh! They're here!" Jane yelled out in glee. "Hey honey." She said as she kissed Thor on the lips and he held her waist tightly.

"Jane you remember my brother, Loki." "yeah, how could I forget. Anyway, this is my best friend, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) looked at Loki and extended a hand for him to shake. Loki on the other hand just stood there in shock at the fact that he finally saw you again. "Hello darling. Have you fallen again lately?"

Then it hit (Y/N) like a brick. That voice. How could she forget that voice.

"You, your the one that caught me earlier. Thank you so much."

"Wait he's the guy that caught you?" Jane practically yelled. "She's the maiden that you said you would-" "That's enough Brother!" Loki had cut Thor off.

(Y/N)'s POV:

He was so handsome. I couldn't stop staring at him. He probably thought I was insane. That didn't matter though. He was in my apartment and was sitting on my furniture.

"You're really handsome." I blurted out. "Thank you, You're beautiful." I blushed the second my mind heard him call me beautiful.

Time passed and it was time for Thor and Loki to go.

"Hopefully we will meet again, my dear." He said as he hugged me. "Yes, and maybe it won't be because I fell." He just smiled and then I stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"What was that that Thor was talking about earlier? What did you say you wanted to do to me?" He just smirked and didn't respond.

Then he leaned in and kissed me.

"That, my darling."


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